From The Home Office

Cold Hurricane Winds!

Cold Hurricane Winds!

When I got up this morning, I fixed my hair. The moment I stepped outside, I realized my hairspray was no match for this wind!…

We’re Packin’!

We’re Packin’!

Our neighborhood active serviceman and we are soooo excited!!!…

Another Bumpy Night in the Basement

Another Bumpy Night in the Basement

I knew the cats were battling it out under Max's bed. Tank decided he wanted to referee the fight so he started barking...…

Tank Hockey Checks Our Grandson

Tank Hockey Checks Our Grandson

He ran UNDER Jack and Jack flipped completely over in mid-air, 360 degrees. Think a cartwheel in mid-air...…

Another Bigfoot Encounter!

Another Bigfoot Encounter!

As our neighbor was telling a story, she, her daughter, and I heard it start. Our neighbor stopped talking mid-sentence...…

When is the Super Bowl?

When is the Super Bowl?

I always enjoy teasing my mom during text message exchanges...…

High Winds, Torrential Rain, and SNOW!!!

High Winds, Torrential Rain, and SNOW!!!

Our small attic entrance door in the ceiling of our bedroom closet was moving up and down from the suction caused by the wind...…

Update on the Non-stop Forest Fires!

Update on the Non-stop Forest Fires!

Most have been arson (and they haven't caught the arsonist yet). It rained one morning but that wasn't enough to help. Two days later, the fires started again.…

Two Forest Fires!

Two Forest Fires!

The second one was so close that it looked like it was coming from the woods behind our house. Brian was on his ATV. I started screaming his name...…

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