The day before the polar vortex was set to turn our town into an Arctic zone, we woke up to discover that the space heater in our room had gone kaput. Worse, the entire house was cold. We shivered as we got up, and discovered that heater for the entire upstairs was blowing cold air.
Brian called our AC guy, who is very elderly, and has had a heart transplant. (He showed us a picture of his old heart the last time he was here!). He said he couldn’t make it over, but recommended someone else.
Brian called that guy and he said he could get by some time that evening. In the meantime, Brian built up the fire in the wood stove.
Around 5:00 p.m., the new guy showed up. He looked at the unit outside, and the big thing in the basement closet (I have NO idea what I’m talking about.). He said we have a large “mini-split” (huh??) and that sometimes they work like computers. Turn them off and on and, voila! Unfortunately, we’d already tried that.
He then went into the garage, and flipped the breaker off and back on. Then, the heater started blowing warm again! We asked him how much we owed him. He said, “I never charge people for these types of jobs. I just wouldn’t feel right about doin’ that.” That’s how a lot of people are in this small town and we LOVE IT!
I said, “How about a dozen eggs?”
He said, “I’d really appreciate that!!”
We shared his name and number with all of our neighbors. What a sweet guy!!!
It’s still freezing here (outside). Night before last, it got down to 6 degrees! We haven’t had to drip our faucets since moving here almost four year ago but we’ve been dripping them for the past 48 hours. As I’m typing this at 3:00 in the afternoon, it’s 25 outside with a windchill of 16. Brian put cardboard and hay in the elevated hen house before this hit. It has four walls and a roof so they’ve been fine. They come out every morning, and free range all over the yard. They seem to be taking the cold just fine!
Yesterday, Brian received another 18 duck eggs from one of our neighbors! Yea!!! They are HUGE! 🙂 For anyone wondering, they taste exactly like chicken eggs.
- The Neighbor Kids Came Over to Sled Down “Suicide Hill!” Watch the Video!!
- Why My Husband Won’t Let Me Go Sledding Anymore… (Don’t Miss the Video!)
- Prepping for a Snow Storm!!! Whoo Hoo!!!
- High Winds, Torrential Rain, and SNOW!!!
- ANOTHER Snow Storm!
- Liar, Liar, Pants on…ICE!
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.

I chuckled about the egg trade for heater repair. Several years ago when I wrote “Deep Stepping Stones” and we lived in Arlington, WA I had an agreement with a local restaurant owner that for every book they sold I would receive a percentage of the sale in food credit. They had great food so the many dinners my wife and I had there, were most enjoyable.
Bob Miller
A local sheriff is led to the discovery of four bodies. The bodies appear to be of middle eastern men with no definitive causes of death. A call is placed to FBI Agent, Jefferey Scott, requesting his assistance in investigating the deaths of the four men. Are the deaths just isolated murders? Might their deaths be an act of a racial hate crime? Or, could something more sinister be involved?
You are having lotsa fun!