Were We Successful at Offending Any Neighbors With Our Yard Decorations This Year?

People in Georgia seem FAR more laid back than some people in Florida...…
Published on December 22, 2023
People in Georgia seem FAR more laid back than some people in Florida...…
Published on December 15, 2023
I told Brian we are NEVER getting goats! Here's why...…
Published on December 8, 2023
One year, our son, Frank, always the jokester, stood up and held the end of the plastic wrap, and the entire ball started...…
Published on December 1, 2023
What do you think the big BOOM was that was heard and felt by us and people 10 miles away?!…
Published on November 23, 2023
Includes my delicious and super easy stuffing recipe!…
Published on November 16, 2023
Most have been arson (and they haven't caught the arsonist yet). It rained one morning but that wasn't enough to help. Two days later, the fires started again.…
Published on November 10, 2023
We had a front row seat to watch all of those fires slowly get closer and closer together, and turn into one HUGE one!! And, the arsonist is still on the loose!!…
Published on October 30, 2023
The second one was so close that it looked like it was coming from the woods behind our house. Brian was on his ATV. I started screaming his name...…
Published on October 20, 2023
After only 30 minutes, they called us back, ahead of the cardiac patients. I knew what she was going to say...…
Published on October 12, 2023
I hesitated to share this story because, to be honest, it makes me sound cray cray. But, I know what I saw...…
Published on October 6, 2023
For children, annual traditions are especially important in our stressed-out world.…
Published on September 30, 2023
As soon as I opened the lid to the main box, a cloud of bees erupted from it. They weren’t happy. One let me know it immediately by...…
Published on September 22, 2023
Mason is currently winning the neighborhood pumpkin growing contest!…
Published on September 16, 2023
When he left, I gave him a big hug (that was probably a mistake) and I came back to my computer. And, that's when I noticed it...…
Published on September 7, 2023
Picture a 35-lane bowling alley, inside a Chuck-E-Cheese, with a hundred different "sit inside" video games stationed in the middle of the place, and music blaring above all the other noise. It was pure chaos.…
Published on August 29, 2023
Teaching your kid in real time what to do when getting pulled over is an important life lesson! Read on to see if I got a ticket!!…
Published on August 25, 2023
Well, I received the bill from the hospital...…
Published on August 17, 2023
After my article last week, about United Healthcare denying coverage of my recent hospital admission for internal bleeding, and some of the comments posted under that...…
Published on August 11, 2023
Who do YOU think is going to win this fight? …
Published on July 26, 2023
With all the talk about UFOs, UAPs, and "non humans" during and after the House UFO Hearing this week, I wanted to reshare a post I made back in 2005...…
Published on July 20, 2023
Since I've never met anyone else who this has happened to, I'm sharing all the gory details. Maybe it will help somebody some day...…
Published on July 7, 2023
I was barefoot in the garden and Brian and I were approaching the potato bed when...…
Published on June 29, 2023
Click on the article to see what Brian found hiding in one of the garden beds! IT'S HUGE!!!…
Published on June 24, 2023
A relative recently (jokingly?) accused us of using Miracle-Gro after I sent her pictures of our ginormous yellow squash...…
Published on June 15, 2023
The doctor warned me it would happen but it wasn't supposed to happen on VACATION!…
Published on June 10, 2023
Look how much he has grown! And, check out those perfect teeth!! ;)…
Published on May 31, 2023
Max: Two donkeys. They're running down the road. They were chasing me. I had to pull over to let them pass. Me: Max, are you SURE they're donkeys? Max: Mom......…
Published on May 27, 2023
We carefully opened the gate and, sure enough, the bigger one tried to make a run for it. Brian body-blocked him...…
Published on May 19, 2023
Anybody care to take a guess at what that monster is???…
Published on May 11, 2023
While I was recording, our 100+ pound Black Lab/Great Dane mix, Tank, who was inside, started barking like crazy! I opened the door, and...…
Published on May 5, 2023
When he yelled at me, I jumped up so fast that my chair almost fell over...…
Published on April 29, 2023
A few weeks ago, I opened the door to go down to the basement and I smelled something unpleasant. It smelled like garlic. Strong garlic. I asked Brian to check it out. He said, "I don't smell anything..."…
Published on April 20, 2023
On days when it was above freezing, we put it in the sunshine on the driveway. I didn't think anything would fertilize them but, I'll be darned, we have eight tiny...…
Published on April 14, 2023
Our neighbors warned us to not plant anything until the first week of May because of potential frost. We're impatient. We're gonna do it!…
Published on April 6, 2023
If you want to see Mason play, click on the link in the article. :)…
Published on March 30, 2023
When you see the list, I think you'll understand...…
Published on March 17, 2023
It's been a very bizzzzzzzzy week!…
Published on March 9, 2023
Carpenter bees will fly right up to your face, and look you in the eye. I'm not kidding! Check out the video I posted!!…
Published on March 2, 2023
Around 3:00 a.m., our weather radio alert blared. I can tell you that I have never gotten out of bed that fast, nor...…
Published on February 23, 2023
He said, "What are those orange lights underneath?" I squinted again, and said, "I have no idea. Wanna go grab the binoculars?" He came right back outside and, within a second, he said, "Mom! It's a fire!"…
Published on February 17, 2023
Since I figured it was going to be a late night, I took a nap at 2:00. As the big, dark clouds started to roll in, we hunkered down inside, waiting for the weather radio to start blasting every few minutes with watches and warnings...…
Published on February 3, 2023
We recently heard a story about a neighbor who served time in prison several years ago...…
Published on January 19, 2023
Our daughter later said she knew it wasn't good because of the looks the nurses were giving each other...…
Published on January 12, 2023
Check out her hair!!!…
Published on January 5, 2023
Here is a text conversation I had with my mother last week... (NOTE: "Lede" IS spelled correctly here. If you don't know that, Google it.)…