The Couple Who Pranks Each Other Stays Together!

The Couple Who Pranks Each Other Stays Together!

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I woke up at 2:00 a.m., and ventured into the kitchen for some juice. After I turned on the light, I found a small, dead frog on the floor. We do have a cat after all so that’s not terribly unusual. However, Rocky is an indoor cat so I can never figure out how some critters get inside.

Upon picking up the poor, wee thing. I had an idea. I placed it on a paper towel on the kitchen countertop, and pulled a fat Sharpie out of the drawer. Do you know how difficult it is to write on a paper towel with a fat marker?

Anyway, I left this for Brian to find in the morning:

When he woke up, I kept my ears peeled, waiting to hear him laugh. He did. But, the last laugh was on me. He came into the bedroom, and said, “You spelled ribbit wrong.”



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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One Response to "The Couple Who Pranks Each Other Stays Together!"

  1. Mike Michelsen  September 1, 2024 at 2:57 pm

    Very funny! I prank my wife all the time, and I get in trouble. Will you marry me, Angela?