From The Home Office

This Town is Sooooo Small!!! (Part 3)

This Town is Sooooo Small!!! (Part 3)

Next, I needed eggnog so I turned my cart left, and headed for the dairy section. As soon as I rounded the corner, about 10 feet in front of me was...…

This Town is Sooooo Small!!! (Part 2)

This Town is Sooooo Small!!! (Part 2)

"Wowweee! LOOK AT ALL THAT FOOD!"  "Wowweeee! You must have lots of kids!" "Wowweee! Where do you put all that stuff?"…

The Dental Hygienist from Hell

The Dental Hygienist from Hell

Thinking I was going to go absolutely insane with fear, I seriously considered making a run for it. I would simply get up, grab my purse, and walk out. However...…

Mass Grandkid Mayhem Here!

Mass Grandkid Mayhem Here!

We have been playing with the grandkids, keeping our dog Tank from eating their cats, preparing for Thanksgiving, dancing to silly kid videos, and making a gingerbread house...…

Post-hospital Update on Little Jack

Post-hospital Update on Little Jack

As Brian briefly explained last week, Jack has been very ill. He started running a fever at his birthday party. The next day, it shot up to 103 so his parents took him to Urgent Care...…

PARVO UPDATE: Tank is Doing Better!

PARVO UPDATE: Tank is Doing Better!

After three days of feeding him what we call "Slop" (1 cup of water mixed with 2 tablespoons of wet dog food - every 2 hours), he really seemed to get more energetic. However, we started noticing...…

Our New Puppy Died After Just Four Days…

Our New Puppy Died After Just Four Days…

Let me preface this post by saying it is humiliating to admit the huge mistake we made. Please be gentle in your comments. We are all grieving here...…

That’s One Titillating Carrot!

That’s One Titillating Carrot!

I sent a picture to our pastor last night, telling him that I think the community garden needs an exorcism...…

Why Can’t I Grow Onions from Seed?!

Why Can’t I Grow Onions from Seed?!

Seeking advice! As long as I've been gardening, I have not been able to grow onions from seed. Each seed brings forth a long, thin leaf. It then bends over and dies...…



All winter long, Brian did not understand why I wasn't reading the books and watching videos. I kept giving him the "I'm too busy with work" excuse...…

Our First Corn Field!

Our First Corn Field!

Did you know that a corn stalk typically only produces one or two ears? No kidding!…

Teensy Tiny Baby Praying Mantises!

Teensy Tiny Baby Praying Mantises!

They won't eat our plants but they will eat insects that will eat our plants. Aren't they adorable?!?!…



If you have gardening deficits like I do, you grow something that is almost impossible to kill. Something so hardy that it borders on invasive. Something like...…

Do-over on the Lettuce!!

Do-over on the Lettuce!!

No other leaves came out but the stems kept growing! What was I doing wrong?!?!…