Now We Have a Mountain Lion in the Backyard!

Now We Have a Mountain Lion in the Backyard!

Last week, I shared that we recently caught a bear on one of our game cams. Now, we’ve gotten videos of a mountain lion. He (she?) was in the exact same spot as the bear three weeks prior.

Here is the mountain lion video. The video is clearer than the grainy photo above.

We are keeping the dogs out of the woods and, of course, our cat, Rocky, is an indoor cat (except when he occasionally escapes). Now that we know we have at least one bear and one mountain lion, we won’t be taking the grandbabies into the woods.

Anyone going into the woods or backyard now must carry bear spray and a firearm. We’ve seen far fewer deer on the game cams lately and now we know why.

Last night, I heard a bear just at the edge of our yard, where the terrace meets the woods. It sounded like a cow bawling but there are no cows in the woods, nor nearby. One of our free range chickens was screaming (they do that when deer come in the yard, too), and the bear obviously yelled right back at the chicken.

To be safe, I immediately put Tank, Moon, and our grandpuppy, Coco (who we are puppy-sitting), inside. I remained on the porch but I didn’t hear anymore bawling. I assume the bear meandered back into the woods because the chicken stopped screaming as well.



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
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One Response to "Now We Have a Mountain Lion in the Backyard!"

  1. W.W. Brock  August 3, 2024 at 10:24 am

    It is interesting to me that until after 2012 there were no eastern states’ wildlife departments acknowledging the presence of cougars. Coincidentally, that is the year that published my fictional novel, “COUGAR!”, which postulated a government conspiracy to re-introduce predatory animals back into human habitats. Now we see sign everywhere and an occasional glimpse of one’s tawny skin in the woods. It probably is the presence of the bigger cat that is keeping the deer away. That is their favorite prey.