Rocky the (Bleep)! Does YOUR Cat Do This?!

Rocky the (Bleep)! Does YOUR Cat Do This?!

This is a family-friendly publication so I can’t type out Rocky’s nickname. However, I can tell you that is starts with an A, and ends with HOLE.

As you may recall, we “adopted” a stray cat who wandered onto our upstairs back porch awhile back. He scared the daylights out of me when he walked up behind me, and loudly meowed. The boys gave him some tuna, and put him back outside. The next night, he came back, and meowed at the back door. He’s been ours ever since.

He wasn’t very happy when we got him fixed but he got over that. Whenever the dogs come in from romping outside, they get a treat. Well, Rocky does NOT get to go outside but that doesn’t stop him from racing into the kitchen when he hears us open the treat bag. He has his own treats, which he gets for doing absolutely nothing.

Brian has always said he doesn’t like cats but he is Rocky’s favorite. Rocky will jump up on our bed, and curl up on Brian’s chest or arm. It’s adorable!

In the past few months, Rocky has turned in a (bleep!) at night. He will sleep ALL DAY LONG, and half the night. Around 5:00 a.m. or so, he’ll decide it’s time for him to wake up the dogs. Tank will chase him into our room. Rocky will dive under the bed. Tank will try lunging under the bed to get him but Tank is too big to fit. Moon will just sit by and watch the spectacle. And, this is all happening under the bed that WE are trying to sleep on!

Tank will meander back to his doggy bed in the living room after he tires of the game. Rocky will get upset that nobody is chasing him. So, he will race ALL over the house, caterwauling at a deafening level, and leaping, jumping, running into things, and seemingly defying gravity all at the same time.

At this point, Brian will be wide awake (and grumbling about the “bleeping” cat), and will often go make himself breakfast. I will put my earplugs in and try to go back to sleep. However, some of Rocky’s gymnastics include jumping on our bed, and trying to wrestle my toes out from under the covers.

I know what you’re thinking. Why not just move him of our bedroom, and close the door? Because he will stand outside the door, meowing like a mountain lion in heat, and clawing at our door like it’s his scratching post. We’ve already had to some painting touch-ups on it!

We’ve tried catnip. Nope. That only makes him more hyper! We don’t want to drug him so we’re really out of options. If you have any ideas, please post a comment below.

As I’m writing this in the afternoon, Rocky is sound asleep, and has been for HOURS! Yes, he can sleep with his feet in the air. He does it ALL the time.



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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