From The Home Office

We Got the House We Wanted!

We Got the House We Wanted!

After those disappointments, one night, when I was up way past my bedtime, I accidentally changed the search parameters in and...…



Since my broken toe (from November) still throbs on occasion (when it's about to rain), I volunteered to watch the two grandbabies in the office. To be completely honest, my toe didn't hurt a all that day. (Sssshhh! Don't tell!!) I got the BEST job of the day!!!…

To Georgia and Back…in Only Four Days!

To Georgia and Back…in Only Four Days!

When we took a walk the first evening, we heard no traffic noise, no nothing! Well, there was a flock of geese flying overhead that made quite a racket. At dusk, the frogs in a nearby pond started up a grand chorus.…

Things are Crazy Nuts Here!

Things are Crazy Nuts Here!

Yesterday, we made an offer on a house in far northwest Georgia, in the mountains, and the offer was accepted today. Now, we are drowning in paperwork...…

What Do You Do When Your Florida Kid Asks for “Snow” for Christmas?

What Do You Do When Your Florida Kid Asks for “Snow” for Christmas?

After reading yesterday morning that a snowstorm was predicted to hit Beech Mountain on the day of our arrival, we scrambled, and managed to leave Florida two days early. We'll be all settled in by tomorrow afternoon. The snow will begin on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, the snow is supposed to turn to ice...…

House Hunting Kinda Sucks!

House Hunting Kinda Sucks!

The house hunting has begun. We originally planned to move to Tennessee but that idea was nixed when I discovered that they require...…

I Had a Cold. It was NOT Covid.

I Had a Cold. It was NOT Covid.

People are still getting the flu, colds, stomach bugs, etc. However, getting a tickle in your throat these days brings on a bit more concern than it did a year ago...…

21 Things I Am DEMANDING in 2021!!!

21 Things I Am DEMANDING in 2021!!!

I think we can all agree that 2021 sucked cheese balls. I am a firm believer in "The Secret" philosophy - "whatever consumes your thoughts is what you will eventually get in life." With that in mind, I have 21 specific demands for the year 2021 that will be "consuming my thoughts" for the next 12 months...…

Update on Our Neighbor, Nosy Nancy

Update on Our Neighbor, Nosy Nancy

I opened the door, mustered up my biggest fake smile, and said, "Hello, Nancy! How are you?" She stood there, hunched over with that perpetual scowl on her face, and said...…

My Dad Died on Black Friday – but NOT from Covid

My Dad Died on Black Friday – but NOT from Covid

I talked to my younger brother that evening, and asked him if there was any way I could talk to Dad before they pulled the plug. Despite being on a ventilator (something my dad never wanted done to him), the doctors said he could still hear us...…

I Made My Kid Sick!

I Made My Kid Sick!

I made two batches of jerky in the dehydrator last week and they came out like black tree bark. Sure, they taste good but I'm not sure they're worth getting a broken tooth or two...…

Be Prepared to BE SCARED!!!

Be Prepared to BE SCARED!!!

We met at Spirit Halloween last week to "push all of the buttons." Those of you who have been there know what I mean...…

Do YOU Make Your Bed Every Morning?

Do YOU Make Your Bed Every Morning?

We are all crazy-nuts busy here. It's our "AAAACK!!!" season at BookLocker and we're all working double-time (literally) to get our new authors' books on the market by Christmas. I realized yesterday that we've ordered food delivery more in the past two weeks than we have in the past eight months and...…

No More Single Points of Failure!

No More Single Points of Failure!

I have to admit it's a relief that, if I get the virus, get mauled by rioters, drown in a hurricane, burned in a forest fire, or die in a meteor strike, a nuke, an earthquake, etc. (none of these things seems unbelievable this year!) that the business will survive and thrive without me...…

We Dodged a HUGE Bullet But…

We Dodged a HUGE Bullet But…

I felt guilty for being relieved about that because so many other people lost homes, businesses, and, far worse, loved ones...…

How I Tricked Frank for His Birthday!

How I Tricked Frank for His Birthday!

After moaning about the cost of such a gift (they really aren't THAT expensive), I asked him if we could have a nice lunch together instead. Maybe I'd get him a shirt or something. Hee hee hee.…

A Pork Butt is NOT from the Butt of a Pig?!

A Pork Butt is NOT from the Butt of a Pig?!

We have had heavy rains, thunder, and tons of lightning from that tropical storm that is barreling toward Texas. I've unplugged my laptop several times in the past three days...…

Dining Out During a Pandemic and Protests

Dining Out During a Pandemic and Protests

Unfortunately, there are still nightly protests in downtown St. Pete. They have recently begun entering restaurants with their drums...…

Rambo the Cat is POSSESSED!

Rambo the Cat is POSSESSED!

That cat takes being a feline couch potato to a whole new level. However, this week, a change came over Rambo...…

Pandemic, Riots, AND a Hurricane! WE’RE (temporarily) MOVING!!

Pandemic, Riots, AND a Hurricane! WE’RE (temporarily) MOVING!!

I found myself on a page set up by a protest organizer and he sure seemed to be suggesting riot activities. They were going to meet in St. Pete the following afternoon. I had seen footage of carnage in other cities. We live right downtown. I have children. Yes, I was very worried. The next morning...…

Hilarious Zoom Family “Meeting” and Our Biggest Month EVER!

Hilarious Zoom Family “Meeting” and Our Biggest Month EVER!

Last week, we all Zoomed with Grampa for his birthday and that was very special for him, and for us. It was kinda funny! Our daughter's screen was too dark. Richard's webcam wasn't working so he was a black box. Our son Frank was holding his dog and, somehow...…

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