Blew Out My Ribs Coughing…

Blew Out My Ribs Coughing…

I woke up one morning last week with awful pain between two of my ribs on my front, left side. I was still coughing from our bout with Covid, or the flu, or whatever it was. I decided to just take it easy to see if it got better. It didn’t. I was pain-free sitting ramrod straight or standing, or lying on my left side (the side where the injury is, which was weird). But, I could NOT lie on my back or right side, and moving was torture. And, it got sooooo much worse each time I coughed, and the pain was wrapping around to my back. I kept taking cough medicine and cough drops, and drinking hot tea, but it just kept getting worse, and worse, and worse.

I finally waved the white flag and Brian took me to urgent care first thing on Wednesday morning. Six x-rays. No broken ribs. I tore the muscles between two of them. My lungs are clear. No pneumonia. Just a nagging, unproductive cough. They gave me a prescription for muscle relaxers, told me to take Robitussin DM, and said to use Lidocaine patches where the pain can be felt through the skin.

Guess what? NONE of those worked. Had the cough medicine worked for me, I’d probably be in better shape but, each time I cough, it feels like my ribs are being torn apart all over again. The muscles can’t heal as long as I’m coughing. So, I’m back to just taking Advil, 1/3rd dose of Nyquil (that works much better and I don’t get sleepy), and sitting on my butt in bed (working on my computer).

Another thing the doctor said was to buy local honey to put in my tea in the evenings when the night air makes the coughing worse. Our neighbor, Regina, knows everybody and everything so I texted her. Sure enough, her friend, Bonnie the Beekeeper (I can’t make this stuff up) was available right then. She texted me the address. Half an hour later, we had a quarter of local honey for only $20 and it’s delicious!!! The timing was great! Bonnie sells out of her honey quickly each year.

So, here I sit, terrified of each cough that tickles my throat, and BORED OUT OF MY MIND.


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of, the President and CEO of and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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  • Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
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  • Also works for biographies and memoirs!

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13 Responses to "Blew Out My Ribs Coughing…"

  1. Pingback: How I Survived Covid-19 at Home with Home Remedies PROVEN BY SCIENCE |

  2. Pingback: It’s Pretty Obvious That the Hurricane Gods are FOLLOWING US |

  3. Marvin Dittfurth  June 25, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    Angela I am so sorry you sort of regressed. Last I heard you were up and Brian was down. Goodness! I have had broken ribs ( bike wrecks) and a split sternum.(bike accident) and remember how awful it was to cough or even sigh too heavily. I am so sorry. It hurts.
    I am still touching up the book I want to send you but for now, God bless you and help you to get some relief.

  4. Pamela Allegretto  June 25, 2021 at 5:13 pm

    So sorry. I’ve had those same pulled muscles. That pain really does take your breath away. If they have medical marijuana in your state, get it. It really eases the pain.
    Take care. Big hugs!

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  June 29, 2021 at 12:25 am

      My doc in Florida recommend medical marijuana for something else a long time ago. I declined because I don’t want to risk losing my carry and conceal license. I’ve been sexually assaulted in the past and I always carry. I won’t be sexually assaulted again.


  5. Marianna  June 25, 2021 at 11:57 am

    Dear Angela, I am so sorry about your ribs. I can totally identify. Because I am (or was) an opera singer, I had powerful core muscles. I once got a terrible bronchitis and tore two ribs off the sternum., one on each side. VERY PAINFUL….and for a long time. Those are broken bones or tendons that cannot be put in a cast, like an arm. And then I re-broke mine with a giant sneeze. Whatever keeps you from coughing (experiment) will help you the most. It WILL get better, but still….so very sorry.

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  June 29, 2021 at 12:26 am

      Sneezing is THE WORST!!!! I ordered a brace for my mid-section. The urgent care doc said they do more harm than good because they prevent you from breathing effectively.

      Today is Monday and I’m feeling MUCH better!! 🙂

  6. Sylvia  June 25, 2021 at 11:03 am

    Okay, Angela. I’ll add my 2 cents worth! If Bonnie the Beekeeper (or your neighbor) know any local person who does naturopathic remedies (my niece in another north Georgia county does) see if you can get any Fire Cider or Four Thieves Vinegar. They are only herbs, garlic, ginger, hot onion, cloves, etc., steeped in apple cider vinegar. Another version uses milder herbs, lavender, sage, rosemary, thyme, etc. Any time I have the slightest hint of soreness or something wrong in my throat I take a tablespoon of the first recipe every few hours and it goes away.
    I’m sure you know this, but we can also get somewhat dehydrated without realizing it. Plain water soothes my throat when it gets dry and also when something is trying to attack it. Praying for quick healing for you.

  7. Linda G  June 25, 2021 at 8:45 am


    If you don’t already have congestion in your lungs (the treatement would exacerbate that), then have a half glass of milk. Milk has an enzyme that acts as an anti-inflammant. A doctor told me that when I thought I was choking on a cucumber skin (not, just inflamed and mad at me). I do this all the time and it works. Just hold the milk in your throat for a couple of seconds (don’t aspirate though).

    I know you won’t do this one but your chiropractor can help you. Okay stop yelling, you’ll make your throat worse. Since your injury is that serious you will likely need two visits. Honey only irritates it further, I found, although it is good.

    Take care and stay well.

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  June 25, 2021 at 9:26 am

      I am coughing less today than I was yesterday. I can’t drink milk. It gets my throat all gooky and makes me cough even when I’m not sick. I have a kiddo who is lactose intolerant. I’ve never been tested myself but I avoid drinking milk because I feel like I’m having a bad allergy attack afterward. 🙁


  8. El MCMEEN  June 25, 2021 at 4:13 am

    So sorry about the cough!
    Get better!

  9. DONNA DEINES  June 25, 2021 at 2:12 am

    That is terrible! I had the same type of cough last year, and I was gulping the honey every hour. It worked. Get well, and I miss your articles.

  10. Debra Holland  June 25, 2021 at 12:20 am

    Angela, I hope your cough is better soon! I also suggest you see a chiropractor. Your ribs may be out of place. That can happen with a lot of coughing. Feels MUCH better after they’re adjusted and it’s easier for your muscles to heal.