From The Home Office

My Foot Found the Hole in the Boat Floor!

My Foot Found the Hole in the Boat Floor!

Falling in the bilge can be very dangerous. There is metal, potentially some dirty, stinky, tetanus-laden water (after rain), and even rust. So, I am always hyper-vigilant. Except, apparently, when I am carrying groceries...…

Another Falling ON the Boat Accident! (Yes, really…)

Another Falling ON the Boat Accident! (Yes, really…)

I was pulling with all my might on a line to stop Tanny from going too far forward and I tripped on the boom, which was on the port side deck. Brian had warned us all to watch out for the boom. Heck, I'd been tip-toeing over it for three months. But, down I went and...…

Mac and Cheese and Bad Guitar Music, Please!

Mac and Cheese and Bad Guitar Music, Please!

While toddler Jack was sitting at the table eating macaroni and cheese and green beans, I pulled out my guitar to practice. And, he was completely uninterested until...…

When You Give Your Grandkids Chocolate and Red Bull

When You Give Your Grandkids Chocolate and Red Bull

Jack doesn't talk much yet but he gets his point across. He reached for the left-hand cabinet so I opened it. He then reached for a bag of chocolate covered raspberries. That's one of my favorites so there's no denying the kid inherited my good tastes...…

The Portable Toilet Explosion!

The Portable Toilet Explosion!

I'd previously used that toilet several times without incident. However, last weekend, due to warm weather, high humidity, Mercury in retrograde, movement of the Earth's magnetic pole, or just plain karma for something I naughty did or said, I found myself on the receiving end of...…

Ugly Pancake Update (Groan!)

Ugly Pancake Update (Groan!)

Several readers have written in asking for an update on “pancake,” my gelatinized blood clot that…

Sitting on a Bucking Bronco Toilet!

Sitting on a Bucking Bronco Toilet!

After a few days of very subtle nausea and a sore lower back (because I'm constantly trying to sit still while working and fighting the movement of the boat), I figured out the formula...…

The Floating Flu Folly

The Floating Flu Folly

I actually don’t know if it was Influenza or something else but everyone in the floating…

What a PAIN in the NECK! Literally!!

What a PAIN in the NECK! Literally!!

Because of my current need for pain medication, my co-workers here have banned me from 1. Social media posts; 2. Accounting tasks; and 3. Late-night online shopping. Hmmm....…

Our Sailboat Has Been Demasted!

Our Sailboat Has Been Demasted!

Don’t worry. We demasted it on purpose. Several months ago, we scheduled “No Tan Lines” to…

Annoying Neighbors!

Annoying Neighbors!

One example was an individual on the dock who had too much to drink one night, and walked down the dock, knocking on people's boats at midnight, asking for a cigarette. We don't smoke so I'm not sure why our boat...…

When Your Nostril Hairs Instantly Freeze…

Jack was playing on the bed a moment ago and I asked Ali, "Is he going to fall off, or crawl off?" She said no. I guess he heard me because seconds later, this happened...…

Guess the Halloween Costume!

Guess the Halloween Costume!

Please post your guesses in the comments box below the article. The first person to correctly guess each one will win a free book of his/her choice from!…

Hurricane Michael: Boots on the Ground in the Aftermath – by Brian P. Whiddon

Hurricane Michael: Boots on the Ground in the Aftermath – by Brian P. Whiddon

Line crews were staged everywhere. All traffic lights were out. Trees were down in every yard. Houses were damaged. Some older homes no longer stood at all. Even state prisoners in their striped pajamas were out cutting trees and picking up debris, under the wary eyes of their armed guards...…

PART I: A Snake Fell On My Face! ON MY FACE!!!

PART I: A Snake Fell On My Face! ON MY FACE!!!

I took a deep breath, reached over, and pulled the rifle a little closer. There. That was better. I looked out over the railing. Still black. I literally couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. And then...…

Back to (Floating) School!

Back to (Floating) School!

I like school days because they are more structured, which brings us all comfort. However, when Tropical Storm Gordon sideswiped us on Labor Day, life on board Tanny was anything but structured!…

We’re Melting … MELTING!!!

We’re Melting … MELTING!!!

It's so beastly hot here that it's almost unbearable. Our shoes stick to the asphalt. Coco would rather her bladder burst than walk down the sunny, blazing dock to go potty...…

Major Repair Plans Go Awry!

Major Repair Plans Go Awry!

Wednesday was going to be a BIG DAY! We were scheduled to take No Tan Lines…

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