Grandma Comes to Visit and Brings Lots of Laughter!

Grandma Comes to Visit and Brings Lots of Laughter!

Brian’s mother is in town. She is 80 years old and frail but she has a wicked sense of humor! Last night, I asked her what she wanted on her burger. She said, “Mayonnaise, cheese, and pickles.”

I said, “That’s exactly how I eat mine!”

She replied with a straight face, “Well, then I don’t like mine that way anymore…” My eyebrows went up and she started laughing. πŸ˜‰

We’re all having a wonderful time with her! She requires quite a bit of care so this week’s issue will be abbreviated. She’ll be leaving on Wednesday and we’ll be very sad to see her go. πŸ™

She weighs about as much as our huge dog, Tank, so we’ve been keeping Tank downstairs in Mason’s bedroom. She is at risk of falls and Tank is a big cuddle bunny. He’ll walk up to you, and give you a loving, big butt bump. Moon, on the other hand, is being a perfect little lady. She seems to know that Grandma is frail, and is staying out of her way, while also coming up to her for pets only when Grandma is sitting down.

Tonight, we’re going out to eat (Grandma’s treat!) and tomorrow we’re having an early Thanksgiving with her. My mouth is already watering!!

Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of, the President and CEO of and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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3 Responses to "Grandma Comes to Visit and Brings Lots of Laughter!"

  1. Pingback: At Dinner, She Said My Toasted Marshmallows Looked Like Scabs… |

  2. AMASUCCESS AMASUCCESS  November 9, 2022 at 8:47 am


  3. Pamela Allegretto  November 5, 2022 at 3:01 pm

    Enjoy your visit with grandma!