“Peter” Peppers (ha ha ha) Are NOT a Gimmick!

“Peter” Peppers (ha ha ha) Are NOT a Gimmick!

Last week, I posted that we were heading out of town to visit the grandbabies. On Thursday night, we received a phone call from our daughter. She said Jack was vomiting when he arrived home from school. One of his friends was out sick that day so it was likely a virus. She had to quickly cancel everything with everybody (including the bounce house).

We didn’t want to get a tummy bug so we cancelled our plans to travel there as well. The next day, Jack’s teacher texted our daughter. Two more of Jack’s classmates caught the virus.

The new date of the party is tomorrow but only some of us will be there. Brian has a dove hunting date with a buddy and Mason is out of town so Max and I will be driving there together. I don’t get to spend much time with him because of his welding job so I’m excited about our road trip together! 🙂

Many of you remember when Max was born. Check him out now!! He’s holding “peter peppers.” I, of course, call them penis peppers.

I bought the seeds on Amazon after seeing pictures. I seriously thought it was a gimmick but, turns out, it’s not! Max picked five of the peppers, sliced them up, put them all on one pizza, and ate the ENTIRE thing!

If I’d done that, I’d be in the E.R…


Read More News From The Home Office

Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


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4 Responses to "“Peter” Peppers (ha ha ha) Are NOT a Gimmick!"

  1. Pingback: Fall’s Approach Brings New Life to our Garden Beds! – by Brian Whiddon | WritersWeekly.com

  2. Werner F. Meyer  September 2, 2022 at 11:31 pm

    Impossible! Weren’t you publishing weekly Maxisms just five years ago???

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of WritersWeekly.com  September 4, 2022 at 1:29 pm

      It sure seems like it!!! 🙂


    • p  September 4, 2022 at 1:52 pm

      I remember those. Always enjoyable. Where did those years go?!