When You Give Your Grandkids Chocolate and Red Bull

When You Give Your Grandkids Chocolate and Red Bull

Our third grandchild is scheduled to arrive around June 1st and our daughter and her husband have been attending Lamaze Classes. And, that’s good news for me because I get to babysit our grandson, Jack, every Wednesday evening – for a whole month!

He was still asleep last week when they left last week so I set up my laptop next to him, and worked for a little while, enjoying his little snores. When he woke up, he was thrilled to see “Gram” right there and he reached out his chubby little arms for cuddles.

When the post-nap sleepiness subsided, he decided he was hungry so we walked downstairs to the kitchen. He doesn’t talk much yet but he gets his point across. He reached for the left-hand cabinet so I opened it. He then reached for a bag of chocolate covered raspberries. That’s one of my favorites so there’s no denying the kid inherited my good tastes!

We got a bowl and some wet paper towels (of course), and sat down on the sofa for a short snack. I poured some for him and he went to town on those yummy morsels! He got very chocolately very fast. It was around then that our daughter texted me to check on him. I wrote back:

“He doesn’t even know you’re gone! Gram and Jack are having chocolate and Red Bull! Yum!”

Of course, the Red Bull part wasn’t true but she didn’t know that. Ha ha ha.

We played for a couple of hours, inside and out, and then it was time for dinner. Gram was there so pizza was on the menu (of course!). Our daughter would cut pizza into tiny pieces for him but I taught him how to hold it like a big boy, and take bites out of it. He got the hang of it pretty quickly. He ate it upside down but it was a great start!

After dinner, he sat down with a toy and I thought I heard a rumble. A really loooooong rumble. He was farting. The longest toots I’d ever heard. My eyes grew wide. I said, “Jack, if you’re about to unload in your diaper, can you please wait until Mommy gets home? She’ll be here in 20 minutes!”

Jack turned my way with a funny expression, and his face started turning red. Then, he started loudly grunting. My shoulders sagged forward, knowing what was to come. Jack finished his business, turned again, and gave me a sly smile.

Needless to say, by the time Mommy and Daddy got home, he had a clean diaper and huge, carefree smile on his face. Silly boy. I love him sooooo much!

I’m writing this on Wednesday and, tonight, I get to babysit him again. I can’t wait!! 🙂

DON’T FORGET! This Saturday is the WritersWeekly Spring, 2019 24-Hour Short Story Contest! There’s a limit of 500 participants so don’t delay if you want to play!

Has your yucky, brown snow melted? Are beautiful flowers budding in your yard? Can you believe Easter is FINALLY almost here??? But…all may not be as bright and sunny as it seems! You’ll find out what we mean when you see the contest topic in your in-box (and on the WritersWeekly website) on Saturday! Grab a fresh cup of coffee, open a window to enjoy the fresh spring air, turn on your laptop, crack your knuckles, and get those creative juices flowing!


1st Place: $300
2nd Place: $250
3rd Place: $200
+ 80 other prizes!

Read more RIGHT HERE.


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin

Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!

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2 Responses to "When You Give Your Grandkids Chocolate and Red Bull"

  1. Linda G  April 15, 2019 at 5:09 pm

    Awwww and such a young Gram too. You sure know how to treat a kiddo!

  2. Pamela Allegretto  April 12, 2019 at 1:38 pm

    Sounds like you and Jack have form a very strong bond. How fun!