Last week, Mason (age 12) and I started taking guitar lessons together. While I had my own guitar already, we waited to buy one for Mason until after the first lesson so the instructor could suggest an appropriate one for him. A 3/4 size was recommended so we left there, and drove to the music store. Within five minutes, Mason had joyfully picked out a guitar and a bag, and we also got extra strings, two tuners (I already broke mine), and picks.
On Wednesday, I was babysitting our grandson Jack again while his mom and dad were at Lamaze class. While he was sitting at the table eating macaroni and cheese and green beans, I pulled out my guitar to practice. I played when I was a teenager but I have forgotten all of it over the years (it’s not like riding a bike!). So, I was back at
square one, playing boring scales (complete with plenty of finger placement errors and tangy twangs on my part). Jack didn’t seem too interested in the guitar itself while he was busy devouring his mac and cheese. So, I hiked it up on my leg, positioned my fingers, and started playing those boring, monotonous scales.
Then, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Jack had his hands above his head, and was dancing in his seat! DANCING!! What a sweet baby boy! I love that kid more than words can describe! 🙂
Then, he leaned forward, and strummed it a couple of times, smiling really big. After we had a good giggle together, I grabbed a napkin, and wiped several mac and cheese chunks off the strings… 😉
When You Give Your Grandkids Chocolate and Red Bull
It’s a GIRL!!! Awe!!!! (Does anybody know what breed mix she is?!)
OUR NEW GRANDDAUGHTER!! Does THIS Look Like a Newborn to You?! And, a Plane Crashed RIGHT HERE!
Who Needs a Baby Teether When You Have Board Books?
Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/

Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
Write It and Publish It
in as little as 12 weeks!
Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
- Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
- Record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook
- Using the memory notebook as your outline, write your autobiography!
- Also works for biographies and memoirs!
Read more here:
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At this moment, thousands of would-be authors are slaving away on their keyboards, dreaming of literary success. But their efforts won’t count for much. Of all those manuscripts, trade book editors will sign up only a slim fraction.
And of those titles--ones that that editors paid thousands of dollars to contract, print and publicize--an unhealthy percentage never sell enough copies to earn back their advances. Two years later, most will be out of print!
Acquisition Editor Tam Mossman shares seven essentials every book needs to stay in print, and sell!
Read more here:

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Dear Angela,
Reading about your grandchild brought a smile. Wasn’t it just yesterday when you were having your own babies and writing about them? I’ve been following you for years during which I’ve written and published a bunch of books, mostly nonfiction and one novel. No self-publishing yet but for those considering it, I always recommend you as an ethical company. In another year or so we may get some more toddler witticisms a la your own boys.
Great story! You have a fan. Too fun!