From The Home Office

Love Bug Cemetery…on the Boat?

Love Bug Cemetery…on the Boat?

Last week, a zillion (yes, I counted them) love bugs descended on our city. It was obviously a very well-planned Arthropoda orgy...…

Island-hopping and Deep Sea Fishing!

Island-hopping and Deep Sea Fishing!

Our sailing trip is back on since a local mechanic told us the drive shaft is in good enough condition to last for several more months...…

Seizure on the Boat!

Seizure on the Boat!

Do your spouse a favor and add "husband" or "wife" after their name in your phone so they can be located in an emergency.…

Amberjack Rampage!

Amberjack Rampage!

The waters of our marina came alive!!…

When the Boat’s A-Rockin’ (Heh…)

When the Boat’s A-Rockin’ (Heh…)

All of the sudden, all of the boats started rocking violently. I mean, Tanny was pitching so much that we were having a hard time walking in the boat!…

Meet Baby Jack!!

Meet Baby Jack!!

I'd like to say that everything went swimmingly, and that little Jack popped out like a spring chicken. But, the Hoys never do things the easy way...…

Solar Eclipse Party!

Solar Eclipse Party!

We're ready for the eclipse!! Here's what we're doing!…

Three Weeks and Counting!

Three Weeks and Counting!

Our bags are packed. We're ready to go. We're standing here outside the boat's cockpit door...waiting for the phone call to alert us that...…

How I Became a Smuggler…

How I Became a Smuggler…

We have a large duffel bag that unzips on top. I pulled it out of the closet, and put it next to the kitty carrier. Would it fit?…

Lesson Learned from Capt. Ron? LIVE Life While You Still Can!

Lesson Learned from Capt. Ron? LIVE Life While You Still Can!

When we were RVing for months at a time several years ago, we'd talk to different folks at campgrounds, and we kept hearing the same story told over and over again. A couple would wait until retirement to take that one trip, or make that one major lifestyle change. And, after retirement, one of them would pass shortly thereafter, leaving the other to RV across our beautiful country, all alone...…

Angela’s BACK!!! Now, check out this WEIRD picture!

Angela’s BACK!!! Now, check out this WEIRD picture!

It took me a minute to figure was flesh! Pieces of his gums! My heart jumped up in my throat. I immediately thought it was one of those underdeveloped teeth and that he was going to need a crown, a root canal, or an extraction altogether...…

Return of the Floggin’ Molly

Return of the Floggin’ Molly

I ran back to the cockpit to throw the engine in gear and get the bow turned off and away from the other vessel. Everything was going smoothly when I suddenly heard a loud "CLANK," and a "SPLASH," followed by a "RATTLE-RATTLE-RATTLE-RATTLE!!" ...…

Floggin’ Molly Hard Aground! – Days 21 – 24

Floggin’ Molly Hard Aground! – Days 21 – 24

As I headed into the no-man's land and pointed my bow at the distant markers, a well known saying in the sailing world that came to mind: "There are two kinds of sailors - those who have run aground ... and those who will.…

Brian Takes His “Home Office” on the High Seas! – Days 16 -20

Brian Takes His “Home Office” on the High Seas! – Days 16 -20

In another couple of hours, it seemed that my visual landmarks were gradually shifting further and further upwind. A check of the GPS confirmed my fears. The zig-zag line that marked my boat's pendulum motion on its anchor line was starting to lengthen - looking kind of like an EKG. I was dragging my anchor!…

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