Last year, during the family’s white elephant gift exchange, I received the coolest gadget! It was a light that you put on the inside of your toilet bowl. So, you don’t need to fumble for a light switch in the middle of the night. Even better, it’s motion activated and the colors change so…it’s like peeing in a disco!
I didn’t think I could do much better this year but, sure enough, one gift was opened by our son and it caught my eye. A mouse pen! Yes, it’s a pen shaped mouse. Since my falling-off-the-boat accident eight weeks ago, my sprained shoulder has been causing me lots of trouble when working with my regular mouse. Each time I need to move my arm back and forth with the mouse, it hurts. And, I don’t doubt that it’s not healed yet because I am constantly moving it when working.
When our son opened that gift, I loudly exclaimed, “That would be WONDERFUL for my shoulder!” I was #6 on the list and, when my time came around, I took the mouse pen from our son, and once again loudly exclaimed that THIS would be the cure for my shoulder injury. Everybody felt so sorry for me that nobody dared take it away for the rest of the game. (Yeah, I was milking it for everything it was worth!)
I immediately put a battery in, and fired it up when we got back to the boat that night and it works GREAT! I learned it was purchased at CVS, and had been on sale for only $10!
Richard ended up with a female urinating receptacle, which makes it easier for women to pee when traveling, camping, etc. Wow, I just realized I put “pee” twice in the same post! Well, three times now!!
Mason was seriously coveting the hot dog cooker, which is a gizmo in which you can cook hot dogs and toast buns at the same time. We do NOT have room in the boat for more small appliances but he ended up with it just the same. Sigh…
Max ended up with a People of Walmart adult coloring book, which we all enjoyed thumbing through.
I’m glad none of us ended up with the Chia head!
We also played the Saran Wrap game. In case you don’t know what that is, you buy a pile of small gifts, put the first one in Saran Wrap, then roll it a few times, add another gift, roll it a few times, etc. Hint: Tear off the Saran Wrap several times between gifts to make it more challenging. One of our sons figured out how to stand up and simply let it unroll, allowing several gifts to fall out.
When it’s your turn, you have to wear oven mitts while attempting to unroll/unwrap the ball. Whichever gifts fall out while it’s your turn belong to you. The person to your left, who will go next, rolls dice while you’re making a fool out of yourself with the oven mitts. When they roll doubles, you have to pass the ball and mitts to them and they pass the dice to the person further up the line. The person with the dice immediately starts rolling so the person with the mitts has to put them on as quickly as possible. It’s hilarious to watch!
Our Saran Wrap ball was about two feet across. I’d hidden a couple of nice gifts in there, like a wireless cell phone charger, but most of them were small, funny gifts. A couple were completely inappropriate (of course!) – so much so that I can’t describe them here because this is a family-friendly publication. It was a really fun game and we plan to play it again in future years.
This week, we are enjoying some post-Christmas down-time. It’s been very quiet and peaceful on “No Tan Lines.” Aaaahhh…
Did YOU get a funny or inappropriate gift for Christmas? Or, does your family play fun Christmas games? Please make us laugh in the comments box below!
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Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/
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You have such a fun family!
I love your gift games and will have to use them at other gift-giving gatherings. Last year we got the light for the toilet bowl. It must have been a hot item at the time!
I bought travel size Poo-Pourri spray for my kids’ stockings this year. (My “kids” are 37 and 42 – both unmarried – so I don’t have to share them at Christmas time. I still make them wear Santa hats while opening their stockings. Perhaps it’s my fault they are still single!)
My husband usually wraps stocking stuffers in duct tape – lots of it. It takes forever to open the gifts.
Duct tape for stocking gifts!! GENIUS!! I’m totally stealing that idea!! 😉
We’ve played the Saran ball game for a couple of years. Love it! I got a good gift: an I-phone headphone jack audio adapte