Our garden is on steroids this year. The natural variety. Sunshine, water, and organic dirt and compost. We also have three beehives where thousands of workers emerge daily to help us out! 🙂
A relative recently (jokingly?) accused us of using Miracle-Gro after I sent her pictures of our ginormous yellow squash.
More pictures of our blessings are included at the end of this post.
Monsanto (now merged with Bayer) makes Roundup®, which contains glyphosate. It is believed that it causes cancer. Monsanto previously made DDT insecticide, Agent Orange, and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB).
Scotts Miracle-Gro has been in partnership with Monsanto for decades.
Per the ScottsMiracle-Gro website,
“Many of you know our company serves as the marketing agent for Roundup®…”
ScottsMiracle-Gro, at that link above, states they believe glyphosate is safe, after mentioning that Bayer, which now owns Roundup, has settled tens of thousands of court cases over glyphosate.
They later claim, on the same page, “ScottsMiracle-Gro no longer offers glyphosate in the brands that we own…”
They do not OWN the Roundup brand. Yet, they continue to serve as the marketing agent for that product???
How can those people sleep at night???
We do not give one penny of our money to any of those organizations. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Food, Inc. (free to watch on YouTube) is probably the most widely-watched documentary that highlights Monsanto’s practices. If you’re in a hurry, fast forward to 1:07:30. That’s where the part about how evil Monsanto is begins.
If you haven’t watched this documentary on Monsanto, you might want to do that as well.
Read more about the current state of Roundup / Monsanto / Bayer, etc. RIGHT HERE.
New Documentary Finds Roundup “Everywhere”
The Farmer Who Took On Monsanto (David Vs. Goliath Documentary)
Meanwhile, our little home-based organic farm, along with the happy bees in our hives, are flourishing! We thank God for our garden and our many blessings!
NOTE: We only use heirloom (organic) seeds.
This is from just two days of harvest in one bed. We’re picking green beans daily right now.
From left to right: Strawberries, beets and garlic, onions, green beans, zucchini and yellow squash. Brian built these beds last year. Mason was able to help on some days (when he wasn’t doing his homeschool work). Brian doubled our number of raised beds this year. The netting around them protects our food from rascally rabbits, and the neighborhood deer.
From left to right: Corn, peas, onions, and garlic (all in one large bed), butternut squash (we call it buttnut), and 10-foot tall corn! Peas are growing with the corn. The pea vines crawl up the stalks.
Clockwise from upper left: Purple beans, long beans, peanuts, more long beans, fingerling potatoes, turnips, sugar beets, a gigantic lettuce variety (with the flowers on top, which I’m saving for seed), and two pots of yams. Those are 15-gallon buckets that Brian drilled holes in for drainage.
If you look close, you can see the irrigation lines. They’re tiny black hoses. Brian created a system that sends a soft sprinkler spray into each pot for 15 minutes, 4 times per day. He also installed irrigation to all of the other beds, from drip lines to tiny sprinklers. Mason and Max helped him extend the irrigation to some of our new raspberry plants last week. In the picture below, you can see an orange dot. That’s one of the tiny sprinklers.Â
Two varieties of sweet potatoes. These were started in glass jars of water by a window in February.
At the very top, raspberries. On the left, sugar beets. On the right, blueberries.
Wild Blackberries. We have these dozens of these on the edge of the woods across the backyard.
- Two Donkeys Chased Our Son’s Truck!
- Babysitting the Neighbor’s Goats
- It’s Scary Bug Season Here in Georgia!
- The Garden Beds are Now Full!
- It’s Plantin’ Time with the Grandbabies!
Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/

Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
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Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
- Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
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Pingback: No, We Do NOT Use Miracle-Gro! – PART II | WritersWeekly.com
THANK YOU!! I have preached against Monsanto and Roundup and related products for years. I really believe it’s responsible for the death from lymphoma of one of our friends, and my father-in-law’s Parkinson’s. Both were heavy users of all these products and of course, used them without proper protection – or no protection at all, usually. I’ve been made fun of SO many times by those who say it’s completely safe. It’s horribly toxic stuff. Period.
Wow! – Very impressive! My compliments!