After Mason Tested Positive, the ER Did NOT Require a Mask

After Mason Tested Positive, the ER Did NOT Require a Mask

A week and a half ago, I had to take Mason to the Emergency Room. He woke up with a horrible headache, and pain in his middle, lower back. His head hurt so badly that he was grunting, moaning, and holding his head with his hands. That is EXTREMELY uncharacteristic of his personality. I knew something bad was happening. He was also running a low-grade fever, and started vomiting. He didn’t have any upper respiratory symptoms. I suspected Meningitis.

After a mad dash to the ER, they pulled him into the triage room, and tested him for the flu (A and B) and Covid. His blood pressure was a bit high for a 17-year-old.

They were so busy that they were calling employees to the ER waiting room to do EKGs. They had no open rooms.

After only 30 minutes, they called us back, ahead of the cardiac patients. A nice doctor with a mask on took us to an empty waiting room with cushy chairs. I knew what she was going to say since we were being isolated. She never asked us to put masks on.

She did some simple tests to rule out Meningitis just to be safe. Mason could easily touch his chin to his chest, and could push on her hands with his hands and legs. He did not have a rash.

She then said, “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you tested positive for Covid. Mason said, “Oh, great…”

I replied, “Sure beats Meningitis!”

The doctor went to get the lady who does the paperwork. She came in with a mask under her chin. She had to leave for a moment and, when she came back, she didn’t have a mask on at all. I signed my name to several pieces of paper and we were cleared to leave. We had to walk all the way through the hallways and waiting room again. And, still, nobody asked us to put on a mask. I guess even they know masks don’t work.

I realized after his diagnosis that I had spent about 40 minutes on the way to the ER in a closed vehicle with his face just a couple of feet from mine. I knew I was screwed. While we were driving back home, Brian moved his stuff down to the basement bedroom and he slept down there for five nights to be safe. He never caught it (but he was pretty sick a month ago so perhaps he’d already had that strain).

Mason started having mild upper respiratory symptoms the following day. The worst part for him was the headache and nausea, which subsided on day two.

As expected, about four days later, I got it. It was a mild case. A bit of nausea, a pretty nasty headache for two days, a bit of congestion, and mild coughing. That all went away but now I have Tonsillitis and I’m on antibiotics. It only hurts when I swallow. I had no idea how many times a human swallows in a day until I got Tonsillitis.

Mason has fully recovered, and is happy about that. However, I can’t say he’s very happy about having to do his chores again. 😉


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Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of, the President and CEO of and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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One Response to "After Mason Tested Positive, the ER Did NOT Require a Mask"

  1. Linda G  October 21, 2023 at 4:38 pm

    I am glad you went for professional medical help. Here we wear masks in hospital, the staff do. And I wear one in church since there are a couple hundred or so of us in that space. I think I am the only one to do so and I am so healthy I make myself sick (ha) yet I protect anyway.