Mason’s Growing A Giant Pumpkin!

Mason’s Growing A Giant Pumpkin!

We’re having a pumpkin growing contest in the neighborhood and we’re proud to announce that Green Thumb Mason is winning!!

We are using Atlantic Giant Pumpkin seeds. That’s what many of the world record pumpkin growers use. The original plant was in a 15-gallon pot. It started getting ginormous so Brian and Mason moved it from the greenhouse area into the side yard so it could spread out.

Unfortunately, during the move, the main stalk broke right at the top level of the pot. We thought that was it for that plant but, nope!!

It continued to grow and spread and flourish!

The entire plant sucks up water and nutrients from the soil, and sends energy to the fruit. So, the main vine breaking did not kill the plant.

Pumpkin #1 looked pretty good. When it got to the size of a softball, it rotted. We cut it off.

Pumpkin #2 looked even better! However, when it got to volleyball size, it rotted as well. Snip.

We did some research on YouTube. Having the pumpkins sitting in the dirt was the problem. Wet dirt will rot the pumpkins and Mason was watering the entire plant every day.

Pumpkin #3 was starting to look impressive so we put a tarp under it.

Day 5

And, it’s still going strong!

Day 21!!

In other green thumb news, Mason picked a ton of tomatoes yesterday, along with several butternut squash:

If you’re wondering why some of the tomatoes are green… The beefsteak tomatoes get so big (before they get orange) that they start to crack open. That lets bugs get inside. Yuck. Those green cherry tomatoes are a variety that will literally turn orange and mushy in one day, and fall off the vine. So, we always pick those green. The Roma tomatoes, however, are our favorite!! They get fully ripe on the vine, and remain firm. And, when you slice them, they don’t spew mush and seeds everywhere.  We are definitely growing those from now on!

Our neighbor, Regina, stopped by last night for a trade. She gave Mason a gallon of okra and a beautiful green bell pepper (that we ate with our tacos last night!) in exchange for one of the large butternut squash. She then walked over near Mason’s pumpkin, and said, “I’m gonna come over in the middle of the night and steal that beauty!”

Mason loved that compliment! The smile on his face was adorable. 🙂



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Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of, the President and CEO of and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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