Update on the Non-stop Forest Fires!

Update on the Non-stop Forest Fires!

Per last week’s issue, and the one before, we’ve had numerous forest fires here. Most were arson (and they haven’t caught the arsonist yet). It rained one morning but that wasn’t enough to help. Two days later, the fires started again. On Tuesday, there was a large fire between the lanes of Interstate-59. The southbound lanes were closed. That was probably from some moron tossing a cigarette out a window.

Yesterday, there was one in Egypt Hollow that skipped the fire break (we could see the smoke from that one), and another fire broke out on Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga.

In THIS VIDEO, you can see how the Forestry Service contains forest fires. They do a FANTASTIC JOB!!!

Brian ran into some of the forestry guys in the parking lot of Guthrie’s here in town. He told them we’d been watching them control the huge fire last week from our back porch, and thanked them profusely for saving everyone’s homes.

Today, we can’t see any smoke from the back porch so we know the hard work they’ve been doing has been working! Those guys and gals have been working non-stop!! One person posted on Facebook that they left their home yesterday because the fire was so close. When they came back home today, the found a trench dug between their house and the fire line. The forestry service had saved their home. πŸ™‚

Please pray for all of our nation’s firefighters and forest service personnel. Their jobs are so tough but they save lives and property. And, after watching how well they do their jobs, we are sleeping much easier at night. The best news of the month is we’re supposed to get lots of rain next Tuesday and Wednesday! πŸ™‚


Mason’s friend, Adam, is doing much better! He was isolated for Covid for a few days but he’s been moved to a new facility, and is still in contact with Mason. πŸ™‚


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Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/