“Can I publish a memoir that was written in 1915?”

"I have not seen anything in writing about who owns the rights to the manuscript..."…
Published on December 17, 2020
"I have not seen anything in writing about who owns the rights to the manuscript..."…
Published on December 10, 2020
Anytime an author pays to get published, it's considered vanity publishing. But, many self-published authors earn more than their traditionally-published colleagues. …
Published on November 25, 2020
What is a literary trustee and where can I find one?…
Published on November 19, 2020
"They're quoting me hundreds of dollars to reproduce the text in my book. But, there are countless websites that have already quoted this exact text by that author..."…
Published on November 12, 2020
While their main website is back up, they are still experiencing problems, including the inability to put up new ebooks...…
Published on November 5, 2020
Would YOU buy your child or grandchild an ebook for Christmas, or as a birthday gift?…
Published on October 29, 2020
"I was able to break the contract before they went out of business. However, my book is still advertised on Amazon Children’s Books, with all of the previous information, pricing, etc..."…
Published on October 23, 2020
"I've written a book that contains lots of stories about people I've know. A friend told me to set up an LLC and then can't get sued. Is this true?"…
Published on October 15, 2020
"In early September, a firm contacted me through LinkedIn, and asked me to submit an article to their online (medical) journal..."…
Published on October 9, 2020
Finding trends on best sellers lists! And, if you can write a best seller that becomes a classic, you'll have it made!!…
Published on October 1, 2020
I received an email from a woman who claims to have written a book about her channeled conversations with deceased celebrities. Whether you believe in channeling (a two-way conversation between the living and the dead) or not is irrelevant...…
Published on September 17, 2020
Q – Hi Angela, Is it possible for me to find out about how many of…
Published on September 10, 2020
"Amazon now shows my book as available on-line, as it also does through Good Reads. I contacted Amazon and its representatives were unwilling..."…
Published on September 3, 2020
"My book is on Barnes and Noble and Amazon but it cannot be found in a search..."…
Published on August 27, 2020
First, please know that, if a so-called "publicist" is soliciting business via telemarketing methods, THEY SUCK at what they do...…
Published on August 20, 2020
"I would want 20-30 copies for personal use and distribution but I do not want to make it available for sale to the general public. I use real examples from my career and real names..."…
Published on August 13, 2020
"Why do literary agents, who supposedly make money when they sign up a client, behave so unprofessionally and arrogantly?"…
Published on August 6, 2020
I found an article about the radio host they're touting. He was convicted of two felony counts of theft. He stole his client's advertising money...…
Published on July 29, 2020
Each time I send it back to my publisher, they find more problems, and send it back to me again. I don't want to read it anymore!…
Published on July 23, 2020
Q – I found a copy of my book is for sale online for $400! Why…
Published on July 16, 2020
"I am getting reports from people that they have purchased my book in Ebook format from Amazon already. However the link still shows paperback only..."…
Published on July 9, 2020
"I would like to make sure that other authors are not taken in by Elite Choice Awards, if in fact it is a scam..." LOOK WHAT WRITERSWEEKLY FOUND.…
Published on July 2, 2020
"Freelancer.com insisted that they needed the employer to verify his identity. Uh, that had already been done! They said so when I took the job or I would not have taken it."…
Published on June 25, 2020
I noticed you have a page of complaints about specific publishers but do you get involved with finding scam PR sites where you can promote a book?…
Published on June 18, 2020
"There is a problem with Amazon. Three of my readers contacted me to let me know that they tried to upload a book review for me on Amazon and give me a book rating of ***** but Amazon is not letting them do either, despite the fact that they are accredited purchases, and bought the book through Amazon..."…
Published on June 18, 2020
"I plan to create a Facebook page to promote my novel, provide links where readers can purchase the book, offer updates, and chat with the author (me)..."…
Published on June 11, 2020
Thanks for the warning about "Christian" publishers. Would you please put up a list of questions to ask a publisher, “Christian” or non-Christian? Would you also give authors a range of fair prices for certain publishing services?…
Published on June 4, 2020
There are so many links online that claim they will help you market your indie published book (specifically Christian books). How can I know which ones are legitimate and which ones are, or border on, a scam?…
Published on May 28, 2020
You have done a bang up job of warning your readers about scammers victimizing writers and authors. I admit I enjoy reading those. I know that makes me sound bad...…
Published on May 21, 2020
If you want to go bankrupt from legal fees then, by all means, write about celebrities, and try to profit from their names.…