Do NOT Pay Someone to Showcase Your Book at a “Virtual Book Fair!”

Do NOT Pay Someone to Showcase Your Book at a “Virtual Book Fair!”

Q –


I received an unsolicited phone call from a senior marketing consultant at a company that displays books at book fairs. She said her company was only taking 10 books to a book fair in Europe and they chose mine. But, she said I would have to pay a registration fee of  more than $2,000.

Her voice was soft but the sell was hard. I asked her to send me a written proposal. Which she has. It includes testimonials. Who knows what value these have?

I looked the company up online. I found several complaints about misrepresentation and failure to provide service, return calls, etc.

Bottom line… Are they they a scam?


A –

“Only taking 10 books” is a HUGE lie. They’ll work with anyone willing to fork over thousands of dollars. And, I seriously doubt that book fair will occur in 2021 because of Covid. So, they’re soliciting money from suckers for something they must know isn’t even going to happen.

Even if the event will be “virtual,” you will very likely earn zero return on your investment. Do NOT pay anyone to present your book at a “virtual book fair”…or any book fair for that matter.


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