“Do industry insiders regard self-publishing as ‘cheating?'”

“Do industry insiders regard self-publishing as ‘cheating?'”

Q – 

Hi Angela,

I am considering self-publishing my book but isn’t it true that all the industry insiders regard self-publishing as “cheating?”


A –

Self-publishing is not “cheating.” It’s for authors who don’t want to wait years for their books to be considered, accepted, and published. And, many self-published authors have gone on to land traditional contracts after their self-published titles sold well.

In addition, many authors earn more through self-publishing than their traditionally-published counterparts. I, myself, have made thousands more selling my own books than I did through a traditional contract I landed years ago.

Please see:

The Cold, Hard, Ugly Facts about Traditional Publishing…and Why You Might Want to Avoid It Altogether


7 BENEFITS of Self-Publishing! (And, reasons you may want to avoid the traditional route)


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