“My client is being COMPLETELY unreasonable! But, I already spent the money and I can’t ‘fire’ him…”

We came to an agreement and the company paid me up-front for the entire job. I had a four-week delivery time. That's when the problems began...…
Published on May 14, 2020
We came to an agreement and the company paid me up-front for the entire job. I had a four-week delivery time. That's when the problems began...…
Published on May 6, 2020
The writer was "hired" by what appeared to be a well known publisher. She was then offered a free computer on which to do the work. The scammer instructed her to...…
Published on April 30, 2020
Two years ago, my former co-author and someone else attempted to "re-write" our original book. The new edition of the book still contains major swaths of my work...…
Published on April 24, 2020
Poetry is not a great genre if you're wanting to earn a living writing books.…
Published on April 16, 2020
All authors hiring an editor should have a detailed contract detailing what's expected.…
Published on April 9, 2020
"I work for a magazine and, like many others now, I'm working from home. That would be okay but the kids are here, too, and I have to supervise their online school lessons. I really don't know how you do it! I am constantly interrupted and I can't seem to get anything done, or finished. Do you have any tips?"…
Published on April 2, 2020
Did my publisher sell my information to these companies?…
Published on March 27, 2020
"In order to get paid, I am expected to sign up for a corporate payment platform and I feel uncomfortable about the amount of information I am being asked to provide..."…
Published on March 12, 2020
Easy tips for getting your audience excited and engaged so they'll BUY YOUR BOOK!…
Published on March 5, 2020
Read what I actually said to this person...and what I WANTED to say to this person!…
Published on February 27, 2020
Q – Hi Angela, Each time I start trying to write, ideas and thoughts start to…
Published on February 20, 2020
Later, he claimed he'd already paid for that work but he had not. He always acts happy and appreciates my work until it's time to pay me...…
Published on February 13, 2020
"My social media posts just aren't working. I keep posting the same ad over and over again and my book is NOT selling. What am I doing wrong?"…
Published on February 6, 2020
"I've been reading that Netflix is the way to go with getting a movie published now. My book could even be a series. It's action-packed and would look great on the screen. Should I mail them a copy of my book with a pitch letter?"…
Published on January 30, 2020
"While healthy competition isn't a bad thing, what happened next was awful. The owner of the website started posting negative reviews about my service online. She has never used my service. As far as I know, she and I are the only ones offering this service. She posts under different names but the claims made and the writing style show it's the same person..."…
Published on January 23, 2020
Use this one simple trick when republishing your book to avoid confusing Amazon shoppers.…
Published on January 16, 2020
"I have a photograph that I took of a statue that I would like to use as cover/back cover art for a book I've written. The statue sits in..."…
Published on January 9, 2020
I have scheduled a blog tour to promote my newest book. What's the best thing I can offer to people who haven't yet decided to buy my book?…
Published on January 2, 2020
"I can't pay. I don't mind sharing royalties..." is a pretty insulting statement to a professional writer.…
Published on December 19, 2019
Can BookLocker help me get my book back on the market? Yes!…
Published on December 12, 2019
"Three of my characters are based directly on real, living people. All three have read my novel, and given me permission to represent them as I have but..."…
Published on December 6, 2019
I ordered a copy of my own print on demand book from Amazon. I was then shocked to receive an email. They cancelled my order!…
Published on November 29, 2019
"I just published a new book and (this is embarrassing) I haven't told anyone in my family about it. I'm too nervous! What if my siblings make fun of me? Yes, they are those types of people..."…
Published on November 20, 2019
My friend said, "If you write about me, I'll sue you." But, I've already published the book!…
Published on November 13, 2019
"Should I cut the price of my book in half? Maybe that will spur some sales. What do you think?"…
Published on November 8, 2019
"I’m getting a lot emails from book promotion sites. Are these legitimate sites? Do they really help sell books? Are they worth the money?"…
Published on October 30, 2019
Why in the world would an author PAY people to read his or her book rather than the other way around?!?! I'm having a hard time trying to think of a worse book review deal for authors!…
Published on October 24, 2019
Q – Hi Angela If I decide to publish my memoir, what’s the bottom line on…
Published on October 17, 2019
What your designer did was a complete waste of money.…
Published on October 10, 2019
Can I turn interviews into my own book, or do those pieces belong to the magazine?…