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I Need to Hire a Marketing/PR Person…

Dear Angela, I am in the process of getting my second book published. Nine publishing houses now have it in their hot hands. I am patiently awaiting responses. In the meantime I am looking to hire someone who is "genius" with on-line marketing. Can you lend your expertise to lead me in the right direction? Many blessings and thank you in advance. Maureen Moss Author of The Nature of Bliss: Balance, Love, Integrity, Sexuality, Soul Please contact We know the owner, Steve O'Keefe, for years, and he's a super guy. …

Four Years to Publish a Book?!

I signed a book contract in November of 2001. My book is still not out. Supposedly it's in cover design and I haven't seen it or seen blue lines. So I know we still have quite a ways to go. Also, and more concerning, is now that I understand publishing contracts more, I see there is no publication date listed on the contract. There is no clause that says when it will be published or how long before I can pull out because she does not publish it. It only indicates what will occur if it NEVER gets published. But there is alot of time between November 2001 and NEVER. Another writer with them says she's on four years. Customary and reasonable amounts of time listed in the Writers Digest says one to two years. What in the world can I do? SL Brown, MA One year is average; two years is pushing it. Three to four years? Holy cow! I'd be furious! Authors should always add a "publication date no later than xx, or rights revert back to author..." clause to their contracts. Otherwise, they may wait forever. You can try threatening the publisher with exposure about their horrible contract and slow operations if they don't return your rights. If other authors and agents knew it takes that long to publish with that firm, nobody would submit to them and the quality of their inventory would suffer greatly. They may even go out of business. Unfortunately, with no dates promised in the contract, you will probably need to hire an attorney to try to get out of the deal. Or, the publisher may be in financial trouble and may welcome an offer to terminate that contract. It can't hurt to ask. I'd really like to know the name of that publisher. We may already have complaints about them on file. …

Home Office Tax Issues

I'm trying to make freelance writing a larger part of my income this year but my head is already spinning thinking about the tax issues having a part-time, at-home business will cause. Can you suggest a good book or website that can answer my questions (as to what's deductable as a business expense if you have a part-time business, what legally you have to do to establish yourself as a business, etc.)? …

Two Different Rates For The Same Words

Two Different Rates For The Same Words

I have written for a national publication and was told by the senior editor that the pay per article was $50. I received that amount for my first article for them. I have two more deadlines to write for this magazine --two articles that I pitched. This magazine had a listing on another website and I contacted that person, who is the deputy editor, to inquire on what they were looking for and what they paid. She emailed me back saying they pay a flat rate of $350 for the same amount of words I am supposed to write for the next two articles. …

“Can My Family Sue Me?”

I have a million story ideas, many of them based upon my own wonderful (and dysfunctional) family or my wonderful (and dysfunctional) friends and relationships. I am scared to use this material, as I suspect the origin of my ideas will be obvious. How do you use this incredibly valuable and fascinating material without offending everyone you love? …

Where can I find a good editor?; Should I pay an agent?; Selling essays now hurt future book?

Where can I find an editor? I am currently writing a book and need to find someone to edit it. Do you have any suggestions? Please click above for a list of freelance editors we recommend. Should I pay an agent? Hi Angela, I have a question. A literary agent is interested in representing my books, but charges a fee. Is this a normal practice? They have a listing on editors and predators as a bad agency... Will selling my essays as a column hurt future book possibility? I hate to bug you like this, but you really are the only person in the world who seems to have answers to some of the thornier questions we blossoming freelancers sometimes face... …

How to protect children’s privacy in stories

How to protect children’s privacy in stories

I've enjoyed your magazine for the past couple of years, both informative and entertaining. I've seen the columns where you "give advice" and I could use a little help myself. I write fiction and my wife has just caught the "writing bug" and has decided to write about her adventures with our two kids and six foster kids. In this day and age, legalities abound, so can you tell me if we can we use the children's real names in her stories? …

Becoming a Correspondent / Book Proposal Help

~Becoming a "Correspondent"~ I've been a subscriber to your newsletter for quite some time. I was in California writing primarily for local/regional pubs, but we are now in Las Vegas, NV. I'm trying to get some work with local pubs, but the going is slow. I also have a 17 month old at home, so finding time to make contacts, put together clips, etc., is rather difficult. ~Book Proposal Help~ I've completed a Biography/Memoir and need to know is where (online, bookstore, library) I can find market statistics on the book sales of similar books and/or competitors? …

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