Q –
I’ve written a book that contains lots of stories about people I’ve know. I’ve changed their names, and other things but someone might still recognized him or herself and sue me. A friend told me to set up an LLC and then can’t get sued. Is this true?
A –
I am not an attorney and this is not legal advice. You must consult with an attorney for your specific legal needs.
Getting an LLC won’t protect you from getting sued. You’d still have to pay legal fees and you’d still have to pay a judgement.
“Conducting your personal business through an LLC provides no protection against a tort verdict, the type of liability that most people are worried about.”
– LitigationAndTrial.com
You really need to consult with an attorney who is well-versed in libel laws.
Another option is to claim the book is fiction, and the completely fictionalize all of the locations, characters, and other details.
- “Can I base my fictional character on a convicted criminal?”
- Should I Get Permission to Fictionalize a Real Business or Person?
- “I need my old book, published under my real name, removed from the Internet completely but it’s not happening! What can I do?”
- Don’t Invite Lawsuits by Real People Featured in Your Book! (Hint: You Can Still Be Sued Even If You Don’t Name Them!)
- Boldly Assuming You “Can’t Be Sued” Will Likely Lead to a Lawsuit
- Publishing Other People’s Non-fiction Stories Can Get You Sued!
- Want to Get Sued? Write About Your Ex!
- Am I at Risk of Being Sued?
- Did Your Lawyer Say, “You Can’t Be Sued?” BEWARE!
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In the USA anybody can sue anyone for anything. They may not win but the hassle of defending yourself and the cost makes it a wise thing to avoid and not provoke.
I also think in this case your friend is FOS and if you defamed someone you can be sued and lose no matter whether you are Inc or LLC.
See a real IP lawyer not ask folks on the internet.