Recently Answered Questions:

Q –

I have several books on the market. I keep getting emailed by companies calling themselves “hybrid publishers.” What does that mean?


A –

A true Hybrid Publisher does NOT charge authors any up front fees, and their contracts are for a shorter period of time compared to traditional publishers. However, their royalties may be a bit lower. For authors on a budget, a real hybrid publisher can be a true blessing! But, they are very choosy about what they publish.

But, the term is now being used by scammers to try to defraud authors. The scam goes like this:

1. They find a new book on Amazon, Google the author’s name and book title, and find the author online. They will then either email or call the author (or both). Contrary to true hybrid publishers, these scam companies will publish anything and everything.

2. They also will run ads on social media using the term “hybrid publisher” to try to fool unwary authors.

3. They scammer will then claim that they’ll pay half of the author’s fees to get their new book published.

4. In reality, the scammer isn’t going to contribute one penny toward the publication costs for the book. Instead, they charge the author an outrageous price and they never contribute a dime to the publication costs of that book.

5. In some cases, the author pays (often thousands of dollars) and the book never gets published at all. Those are overseas scammers that know the author, if located in the U.S., has a zero percent chance of getting their money back.

One true hybrid publisher is Abuzz Press, which charges authors nothing up front. The contract is exclusive for three years and the royalties are higher than those paid by traditional publishers.

RULE OF THUMB: If any so-called publisher spams or calls you, CLICK DELETE or HANG UP! No real publisher uses spam or telemarketing to try to get new authors to sign up.



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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Q –

I’m looking for a successful, trustworthy book marketing company. Can you advise please? I keep finding sharks.

– Susanne R.

A –

You have to be so very careful now because so many overseas scammers are not only offering (fake) publishing services to steal authors’ money, but also fake marketing services. And, don’t forget that the U.S. addresses they put on their websites and Facebook are almost always FAKE. Most are in Pakistan and the Philippines.

Our BookLocker authors are very happy with these folks: Book Publicists We Recommend

You should also NOT hire any of the overseas scammers to edit your book! It will end up with far MORE errors because the people editing your book will NOT be native English speaker. Of course, that’s if your book ever gets edited at all… Many of these scammers try to get more and more money out of authors while constantly dangling that non-existent book in front of their noses.

The editors we recommend are vetted, offer outstanding services, and are all native English speakers, of course: Freelance Editors We Recommend

For the time being, do NOT hire any so-called publisher, or someone offering “publishing/marketing services” that is running ads on Facebook. Facebook is NOT removing those ads! Why? Because Facebook profits from scammers’ ads!



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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Q –

I had my book ‘hybrid’ published by Olympia Publishers for £3,500. They did a very amateur job of turning my manuscript into a book, but they did eventually print it and make it available on-line. But they have done nothing to promote it, get it reviewed or in any meaningful way tell the world that it exists. All sales so far have been from my own efforts. They had to be threatened with legal action to get the first lot of royalties, and they forgot to send me the second royalty statement, which when I chased it was full of omissions, which they have admitted, but yet to correct and pay. This company seem so amateur that I am beginning to think they might be a scam. Have other authors had similar experiences with Olympia?

A –

It looks like you’re not alone.

Here are a few choice tidbits from the 21(!!!) one-star reviews about them on Trustpilot:

“I paid over $4200 to them, the sample covers they provided me were absolute rubbish.” – Hamed

“I have had a very devastating experience with this publisher and advise to anyone considering signing with them to reconsider. I have not yet received any royalties and sent countless emails.” – Booklady

“They dragged their heels at every corner, when we expressed concern about how long this book was taking they said they were still in the time frame as written in the contract, then they went over the time frame and only really started moving when we threatened involving a solicitor.” – Sandy Johnstone

“They broke the contract by exceeding the given time to complete the manuscript to publication, communication was near non-existent and they actually edited in mistakes!” – Sara

“If I could give them no stars I would…” – Miss T White

“..there were tons of spelling, grammar, & punctuation mistakes…” – Debra

“If you have a dream of becoming an author, DO NOT submit your work to these guys. You’ll get lured in by empty promises, flashy-looking websites, and doctored reviews, only to have your dreams shattered.” – Adam Robertson

You can read more of the 21 one-star reviews about them on Trustpilot.

Incidentally, do NOT trust 5-star reviews on Trustpilot. Read this:

FRAUD ALERT: Why 5-Star Reviews on Trustpilot Can NOT Be Trusted – by James M. Walsh, Esq.

Also see:

Olympia Publishers and the Art of the Soft Scam

Has anyone had any experience with the ‘hybrid publishing’ contract or Olympia Publishers? – I looked up Olympia Publishers and they have a Watchdog Advisory rating, which means: “Services that fail to align with ALLi’s Code of Standards, are the subject of consistent complaints and, in some cases, have been subject to legal action.”



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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Q –

Should I refuse to work with someone who’s already sent me more than 100 emails, and isn’t yet ready to commit? He has yet to sign the contract for my services and he hasn’t paid me.

He sends me short questions, one at a time. I respond to each email quickly. Then, he sends me more and more emails. I respond, etc. The process keeps repeating. I’m starting to wonder if he’s a competitor trying to get his own business running, and is using my advice or processes, or if this person simply isn’t serious about hiring me. I also wonder if it’s a lonely person just wanting attention. I know that seems far-fetched but I just can’t understand what’s going on.

How can I politely tell him to get lost? I cringe every time I see a new email from him in my in-box.


A –

This is something I’ve encountered numerous times over the years. If you consider how many hours you’ve already spent trying to land that contract, you may discover that you’re already in the red…even if he HAD paid you.

One recent example for me was an author who had technical issues with his file. I explained to him a simple fix for the problem (he had not yet hired us, of course, so I wasn’t going to do the work for him!). He kept sending me more and more questions. I finally, and very politely, told him that it was clear he wasn’t going to commit and that I could no longer give him advice unless he signed our contract, and paid our fee.

He wrote back, imploring me to change my mind. He said he would sign up right away so we could move forward. I told him that would be fine. That was two months ago. He submitted the contract, but never paid the fee. Yet, he kept sending questions.

I stopped answering his questions, and told him he needed to pay for our services before I could help him further. And, then he sent four more questions. I ignored his questions. Instead, I politely (again!) but firmly told him it was clear this wasn’t going to work out and that he needed to have his book published elsewhere.

I, personally, find it offensive when somebody expects free services. And, clients who act like this ARE receiving free services…because they never sign up and pay.

A friend of mine had a similar experience recently. After she told him she wouldn’t be able to work with him, he finally told her that he simply didn’t have the funds necessary to do the job. My friend then realized that the man was getting free advice on how to do the project himself, all the while pretending he was going to hire my friend.

It shouldn’t take more than ten or so emails to determine if a potential client is going to be one that you do not want to work with in the future. Also, if a client is acting badly before the contract is signed and the payment is made, imagine how much trouble they’re going to be when you are working on the project itself. They will expect even MORE attention from you and you’ll end up spending hours corresponding with him or her when those extra hours were not part of your original proposal.



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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Q –

I published my book but my publisher offers very limited support in promoting your book. I have received reviews from Online Book Club and Readers’ Favorite, but I am at a loss as to how to promote the book other than seeking additional reviews. The book starts as a young adult science fiction story and after several twists and turns concludes with a parody of the January 6th insurrection. The political satire is meant to appeal to readers of all ages. I would appreciate any helpful advice regarding how I can make people aware of the book and build some momentum in sales and publicity.

Thanks for your time,


A –

Unfortunately, you’re likely to get very few to no sales if you paid for book reviews. Please see: Should I Pay The Online Book Club to Review My Book? NO!!!

I also don’t trust the “get your first review for free” sites. Who knows how many people are downloading your book, who they are, and what they’re doing with it?

I just had our server email free copies of two of my ebooks on book promotion to you. They are:

90+ Days of Promoting Your Book Online: Your Book’s Daily Marketing Plan – THIRD EDITION


55 Dos and Don’ts of Book Selling: If You Can Write, You CAN Sell Books!

Any other subscribers who want free copies of both of those can CONTACT ME directly to request them. 🙂



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


Q –

Has any of your other readers had any dealings with American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI)? I tried to search your site and didn’t come up with anything. They sell training sessions on copywriting?

I’ve always been interested in copywriting so subscribed to their newsletter. After about a month, I received 30 emails from them promoting their products. I found that many emails annoying so wrote them and told them to cut it out.

Then I had my email program send their emails to a separate file which I thought I would read later. I’ve been busy writing local political news along with my regular job of part-time magazine editing, so I just had a writing break and thought I’d check that file.

They have sent me 108 emails in less than 3 months by their organization and five different people. Never got a response to my “don’t send me so many emails” letter. I guess their whole organization runs on automatic with no one actually there. I did unsubscribe today. I took two screen shots of my inbox, but don’t see any way to attach them. Okay, just wanted to pass this warning on.

– Barbara

A –

I noticed that you also posted a complaint to about this firm. They responded. It’s interesting that they offer copywriting services when the person who responded to you used incorrect punctuation throughout his entire message.

There are more complaints about them on

There have some pretty bad reviews on Trust Pilot as well.

Victoria Strauss of Writer Beware published a piece on them as well.

I, myself, would avoid doing business with American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI). And, I’m certainly not giving them my email address!



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


Read More "Ask The Expert" Articles


Q –


The name of the site:

After our book was first published, I received a solicitation via phone from this entity, offering to generate one million “targeted” emails to people “known” to like the genre that is our book is in. That was in June of 2024.

After I wired $1,000 to a Delaware Bank, I received a phone call from a woman who identified herself as Marie Brown. According to Brown, the email saturation of one million “targeted” emails would commence within 90 days. She has been playing duck and cover with me since then. I have all of her text messages and I have learned that Genre Library Solutions is not listed as a licensed business in the State of New York, according to the Department of State. GLS lists an address on Lexington Avenue in New York, but that is a virtual address, according to the realty management company. Mail sent there is forwarded to another address which I have not yet uncovered.

On its website, GLS lists a 315 area code (upstate NY). The identical 315 area code number is also listed to a company called Ascend, which, according to a Google search, is in the Philippines. I have screen shots in my phone to back up these claims. The GLS site also lists a Delaware address. It is listed as a corporation in that state, but a search revealed that GLS uses a “registered agent” in Las Vegas. It dead-ends from there.

My gut told me that such an offering for only $1,000 was likely a scam. But my co-author and I, even though we thought our book was a good product, had no marketing plan, so to speak. I rolled the dice only to find out that my gut was right. This is a sad commentary on a man who for 22 years worked as an investigative reporter and never got burned.

A –

I researched them. They offer book publishing services as well.

Their Delaware address appears to be virtual office space. That means a company can pay to have an address there (but they’re not physically located there). The virtual office service provider is Davinci Virtual Office.

Same with their New York address. Alliance Virtual Offices.

Their website is only one year old (created 12/13/23).

On facebook, under page transparency, it says this:
Pwedeng magkaroong ng maraming admin ang Page na ito. Maaari silang magkaroon ng pahintulot para mag-post ng content, comment o magpadala ng mga message bilang Page.

According to Google Translate, that is Filipino. So, your research finding that related company in the Philippines appears to be correct.

I found English in that space on Facebook with another link.

Sadly, email campaigns are a waste of money (even if the company isn’t lying to its customers). Even if you did get a campaign for your $1K, I doubt many, if any, copies would sell. Nobody should pay for spam, which is what most of these companies do. Those emails end up in junk folders.

Never, ever wire money to a company. If you pay by credit card, you can issue a chargeback later. You’ll never get the cash back that you wired.

They have a “refund policy” on their website. I suspect this is to give comfort to prospective customers. However, I doubt they issue refunds at all.



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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Q –

I have just published a book, and have gotten a call from Spotlight. I realized that I have no idea what I am doing to get the book out and who are all the scammers that are trying to find me on the Internet? I was wondering if you had any advice for what to do now that I have a book published.

The book is called Christianity is Easy.

Thanks for your insights.
Richard Bolen

A –

Hi Richard,

I LOVE the title!!! 🙂

Definitely avoid Spotlight (who we have previously profiled) and ANY company that spams or cold-calls you. If they have to resort to those tactics to market themselves, you definitely don’t want to pay them to “promote” your book! Also beware of scammers contacting you on social media.

I’m having our server email you free copies of two of my books:

90+ Days of Promoting Your Book Online


55 Dos and Don’t of Book Selling

Any other readers who want free copies can CONTACT ME directly.




Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.



  • Creative Media Marketing
  • Bookside Press
  • Inks and Bindings
  • The Maple Staple Bookstore / The Maple Staple Bookstore Canada
  • Brilliant Books Literary
  • Great Writers Media
  • Golden Ink Media Services
  • Green Sage Agency
  • McNaughton Books
  • Pen Culture Solutions
  • P One Media Marketing Consultancy

Q –


I received the following email. Have you had any experience with these folks?

Hello Rickey! I am Angel Sinclair, a Senior Endorsement Officer at The Maple Staple Bookstore Canada. Your book has truly caught our attention, and we are thrilled about the opportunity to feature it in our physical bookstore and independent bookshops nationwide for the upcoming holiday and book-buying season. We also aim to represent your book to Traditional Publishers, seeking potential monetary offers. I would love to discuss these opportunities further. Looking forward to hearing from you!

A –

I did some poking around. Maple Staple is mentioned in THIS ARTICLE on WritersWeekly.

On THIS PAGE, Gary Richardson writes:

“How is it that a bookstore in Toronto, Canada has only 29 reviews and all of those reviews belong to people who all live in the Philippines?”

Gary Richardson mentioned them again here: A New Scam or New Business Model?

“At the end of the day, what the representatives from Maple Staple and Brilliant Books Literary were offering flew in the face of what many of us know to be the standard model for lit agents and publishing deals.”

A HA! Another name!! Brilliant Books Literary! So, I went down that rabbit hole. The Maple Staple Bookstore has the same address as Bookside Press. ANOTHER NAME! Their description online admits they’re in cahoots. I just kept Googling and digging. WOW!!!

Then, I found the mother lode!!! Take one look at those horrible reviews and you’ll know that every author should RUN!! One of those is from someone who claims to have worked for them:

“I had the unfortunate experience of working as an agent for Creative Media Marketing, specifically under their imprints, Bookside Press and Inks & Bindings. My time there opened my eyes to some troubling practices. From the start, it became clear that the management was not supportive or kind to their agents. We were instructed to misrepresent ourselves as Canadians or Americans to give the imprints a more appealing facade. This deceit felt incredibly unethical and made me uncomfortable.

“More concerning, however, is the way this company treats authors. It became apparent that they are more interested in extracting money from writers than genuinely supporting them. Many authors are lured in with promises of help and exposure, only to find themselves paying hefty fees with little to no return on their investment.

“I strongly advise authors to think twice before engaging with Creative Media Marketing. Their practices seem to prioritize profit over integrity, leaving many authors feeling ripped off and disillusioned. Save your time and money; there are better publishing options out there.

Their real address is Northwood Square, F. Cabahug St, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu, Philippines.”

So, Creative Media Marketing is ANOTHER part of the company. I googled that and found Creative Media Marketing (aka Bookside Press / Inks and Bindings / The Maple Staple) AND Brilliant Books Literary (aka Great Writers Media / Golden Ink Media Services / Green Sage Agency / McNaughton Books / Pen Culture Solutions / P One Media Marketing Consultancy/ ) are all listed here: Publishing/Marketing/Fake Literary Agency/Impersonation Scams List

Whoever sent the email is a scammer. Their aim is to get you to pay them to republish your book. It’s a very common bottom-feeder scam in the industry. Traditional publishers and literary agents don’t reach out to authors. Their slush piles are far too large.

Also, as I’ve said many times, never, EVER do business with anyone who uses spam or telemarketing to contact you.



Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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Q –


I’m sure this is a scam but wanted to ask you if you have ever heard about this company.



From: Ian Diaz <>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2024 9:01 AM
To: Dennis
Subject: [EXTERNAL]Fwd: Acquisition Offer for (title removed by WritersWeekly)

Dear Dennis,

I hope this message finds you well.

I would like to take a moment to congratulate you on the email received today November 14, 2024, regarding the Letter of Intent and Acquisition Offer from Alex Martin, the Acquisition Director and Executive of Global Talent Management at Yucca Publishing. I am thrilled about the progress we have made, and it’s a testament to our collective hard work and dedication.

Please review the attached documentation at your earliest convenience, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require further clarification. We are excited about the opportunities this partnership offers and look forward to continuing this journey with you.


On Thursday, November 14, 2024, 11:44 PM Yucca Publishing <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Diaz,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of Yucca Publishing’s formal intent to acquire the book, (title removed by WritersWeekly).

Attached to this email is the Letter of Intent outlining our acquisition offer, which includes a proposal of $496,000 for the exclusive publication rights across all formats, including print, digital, audio, and a Spanish-language edition.

We believe that Mr. Miller’s work holds significant potential, and we are eager to move forward with this acquisition. Please review the attached document and let us know if you have any questions or require further information.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your response and to proceeding with the next steps in this process.

Alex Martin
Executive of Global Talent Management

A: 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor New York, NY 10018


11/15/24, 12:49:51 AM

Warm regards,

Ian Diaz

Contract Director/ Acquisition Specialist

Direct Number : (925) 430-6177
Email Address :
Address : 1000 Town Center Drive Suite 300 Oxnard, CA 93036
Our Website : https:/

A –

Hi Dennis,

First, I started researching Yucca. They’re legit. Then, I went back to your email and realized that it actually came from The email from Yucca is fake. Pretty ballsy of them to include Yucca’s real website URL. Makes it look legit, right?

I strongly suspected that might be a scammer. They might try to convince authors to sign up with them, dangling that big “acquisition” in front of them. But, might then start telling the author they’ll need to pay a fee here, a fee there, etc.

So, I did some research:

1. They have a common syntax error on their website that we’ve seen on other foreign scammer sites and Facebook posts/ads:

“20 Years In Experience” is very similar to the “Get Published in $199” syntax error we’ve been seeing all over when doing our current investigation into international publishing scammers.

2. Also, as we’ve been seeing with these scammers, their address is a “virtual” one. It only costs $65/month to pretend to be located there!

3. On (where they have an F rating):

“All was well until I paid fees for acquisition. $6000. They switched banks in the middle of the deal. Then after all fees were paid, the broker was said to be in a critical vehicle accident…”

And another one:

“Since then after two months she continued to reach out to me telling me that she wanted her 12% commission and that this was a An Exciting Publishing Opportunity. She scammed me out of 12,600.00 which has completely devastated my life.”

4. My Call with the “Brokers AB Literary Agency” Scammers by Lee Goldberg

“Yesterday I got a phone message from ‘Jamie Brown’ at Brokers AB, a ‘literary agency,’ informing me that four major publishing companies wanted to buy my book for $250-400K…”

5. The Latest Impersonation Scams

“Yucca Publishing, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, is currently being impersonated by a scammer called BrokersAB. The scam begins with an out-of-the-blue contact…”

6. The Authors Guild has also published a WARNING about Brokers AB.




Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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