Do NOT Complain to People Who Have Honestly Exposed Your Illegal Activities Online – by James M. Walsh, Esq.

Do NOT Complain to People Who Have Honestly Exposed Your Illegal Activities Online – by James M. Walsh, Esq.

IMPORTANT! If you are considering hiring a “publisher” you’ve found online (or someone who reached out to you – spam or telemarketing), ASK ANGELA to check them out before you send them a penny! She is heading up our research project and she can spot the scammers in less than 5 minutes using the same methods she utilizes while researching the more than 800 overseas fraudsters that are now on our spreadsheet.

Merriam-Webster ascribes two meanings to the idiom “beating a dead horse.” Both definitions are apropos as the domain name (“Publishing Mojo”) struggled to justify its nefarious existence, and cleanse itself of the trail of carnage that it left behind in the wake of its exposure to the audience and beyond.

Publishing Mojo was intent upon talking about a subject that had already been discussed, investigated, and exposed. They once again contacted Angela Hoy, the publisher of, asking her to remove my articles that exposed their misdeeds. Angela responded by reminding them that they had not yet replied to HER previous email to THEM (sent two months prior!), which went into great detail about their other websites, complaints, and even LAWSUITS filed against them.

Publishing Mojo wasted time, effort, and energy in an attempt to do something that is impossible – cleaning up their disgraced company name. They were clearly upset because, if you Google their company name, the articles on that exposed their activities pop up right near the top! They blamed my articles for harming their reputation. It was actually their own actions that did that!

Even if cryogenically preserved, and if Publishing Mojo were either resurrected or resuscitated as a legitimate business entity, it could never shed itself of the negative press it has received. Its indelible stain on the industry casts a penumbra that eerily captures the broken dreams and images of naïve aspiring authors and abused elderly scriveners.

Enlisting the Tomb Raiders

My convictions and evidence are such that I have turned this matter over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Federal Trade Commission.  I have also enlisted the support of the States’ Attorneys General in California and Pennsylvania (Collectively: “The Tomb Raiders”).  The activities of Publishing Mojo and its many related companies and websites is in the hands of U.S. Federal law enforcement.  Publishing Mojo cannot be resuscitated or resurrected, and its principals will be held to account.

What was Publishing Mojo’s biggest mistake?

Knowing my articles were factual, they complained to WritersWeekly. Angela responded to their complaints, and received no response. They then complained again and she asked why they had not responded to HER most recent article, which exposed far more about their websites’ misdeeds than my original article had. When she started digging, a huge rabbit hole opened up and she sent them a detailed list of everything, including two lawsuits she uncovered, asking them to respond to every allegation.

And, here we are, months later, and Publishing Mojo has still not responded. And, their website still has fraudulent items on it, examples of which were already exposed by

The fact that they tried to convince WritersWeekly that my articles contained lies, when Angela had already researched them extensively, just made gave more fodder for WritersWeekly to further share negative details about their companies. Had they just skulked away, and not tried to intimidate me (a victim) and Angela (a journalist), there would only be one article about them on this website. But, they pushed the envelope…and they learned their lesson.

And, of course, Publishing Mojo and its related companies have been added to this: A List of Publishers and Services That ALL Authors Should AVOID AT ALL COSTS!


Maximum Impact by Leo A. Murray & James M. Walsh Esq.JAMES M. WALSH, ESQ. is a former Navy JAGC officer and a recipient of the American Bar Association’s coveted LAMP Award for excellence in military legal assistance practice. A rolling stone, J.M. has globetrotted most of his adult life. After the military, J.M. pursued commercial real estate development, leasing, and asset management. He resides in Catania, Sicily. He spent almost twenty years in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Luzerne, Erie & Lackawanna Counties. His handiwork as an editor and author is interspersed throughout this novel. Leo A. Murray fondly refers to J.M. as his collaborative, literary ‘Coach’ or ‘Lieutenant.’ Agnes claims that he has gypsy in his heart and rabbit in his feet.

James’ thriller, Maximum Impact, written with co-author Leo Murray, was published by Abuzz Press.


Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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