In 1998, the popular book distributor, Ingram Content Group, had one division that assisted publishing services companies and traditional publishers. That division, Lightning Source, offered printing and distribution. Publishers were required to design/format and convert their own files. Since that’s what publishers do, they were easily able to navigate Lightning Source’s specs.
Some individual authors were using Lightning Source as well. However, in 2013, Ingram started competing with those publishing services companies (Ingram’s own Lightning Source customers) by offering their services directly to authors through a new division called IngramSpark. Lightning Source still exists but it only works with publishers. And, it provides good customer service to those companies. After all, many of those companies have thousands of books on the market.
Through the new IngramSpark division, instead of working with publishers directly, who knew how to format/design and convert files, they now found themselves working directly with authors, some of whom understandably needed hand-holding during the process. IngramSpark requires authors to contact them electronically. There are many complaints online stating that it takes far too long for IngramSpark to respond. The more time passes, the more complaints have accumulated on the Internet about IngramSpark:
Trust Pilot has more one-star reviews than I have time to count.
Better Business Bureau – 138 complaints in the past 3 years with 47 reviews
In order to have an “A+” rating (IngramSpark has an A) on bbb.org, companies need to respond quickly to complaints…but it doesn’t seem to matter how they respond. Even if a customer isn’t happy with the response, the company DID respond so that complaint does not hurt their score. Many of IngramSpark’s responses on bbb.org are worded somewhat in this way: “Thanks for sending this. Support will contact ********* directly.”
Why I Will Never Work With IngramSpark Again
Look at the comments under this: Ingram Spark Reviews 2024
PissedConsumer.com has 12 one-star reviews.
There are more websites with complaints about IngramSpark online as well.
Please feel free to post your comments below.
- MORE SCATHING COMPLAINTS about Author Solutions, the owner of AuthorHouse, Xlibris, iUniverse, Trafford, Westbow Press, Archway Publishing, Balboa Press, Abbott Press, and others!
- MORE COMPLAINTS about Draft2Digital / draft2digital.com
- And, Even More SCATHING Complaints about Amazon KDP!
- COMPLAINTS about Iconic Book Publishers PLUS How Foreign “Publishers” Are Extorting Money from U.S. Authors!
- COMPLAINTS about Publishing Mojo / PublishingMojo.com – by James M. Walsh, Esq.
- COMPLAINTS about PageTurner Press and Media / pageturner.us
- COMPLAINTS about Covenant Books AND Christian Faith Publishing
JAMES M. WALSH, ESQ. is a former Navy JAGC officer and a recipient of the American Bar Association’s coveted LAMP Award for excellence in military legal assistance practice. A rolling stone, J.M. has globetrotted most of his adult life. After the military, J.M. pursued commercial real estate development, leasing, and asset management. He resides in Catania, Sicily. He spent almost twenty years in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Luzerne, Erie & Lackawanna Counties. His handiwork as an editor and author is interspersed throughout this novel. Leo A. Murray fondly refers to J.M. as his collaborative, literary ‘Coach’ or ‘Lieutenant.’ Agnes claims that he has gypsy in his heart and rabbit in his feet.
James’ thriller, Maximum Impact, written with co-author Leo Murray, was published by Abuzz Press.
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Author Linda M. Gigliotti draws from years of practice as a private
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The “Ingram Spark Reviews 2024” that I looked at were all posted sometime during 2020. I’d be interested to see if IS has improved their service or policies since that time. I’ve used them for one book and plan to use them for other books. While not great customer service and a tricky learning curve on how to navigate their rules and their user-UNfriendly website, I haven’t had a major complaint about them . . . yet.
Thanks for the feedback. You may want to take a closer look. TrustPilot has numerous one-star reviews (2024), and even a few poor reviews in 2025.
Ditto for the Better Business Bureau. Numerous one-star star reviews in 2024 and one such poor review is as recent as last month.
The negative video on YouTube was posted in 2024.
All of the one-star reviews on PissedConsumer were posted last year, the most recent of which was just 3 weeks ago.
James M. Walsh, Esq.