Q –
In the last couple weeks, I have been inundated by calls about the opportunity for my “excellent book” to be heavily marketed at (a very popular book fair).
The caller mentioned a fee of $750, “with only 30% due now, the remaining to be paid in installments up to the end of the conference.” He then started talking up the book fair, and the importance of my book being included with their “superior” marketing. He then asked what ideas I had about what audience would be more receptive to my book. He became a little ingenuous when I pointed out the book was published five years ago.
I realize this all fits under the “too good to be true” category. However, I have a friend who lives hear there and it would be a great excuse to go visit her.
Have you heard of this book fair? Or, is it just another scam waiting to separate new writers from their money? I made him send me a proposal so can send that to your Facebook account if you need a laugh.
– M.T.
A –
Avoid! Book fairs are designed to make money for the firms that host those fairs. At that particular book fair, your book would be surrounded by millions of other books and chances are you will sell zero copies. Spending money to actually fly there would be an even bigger mistake. And, don’t expect to be able to attend for free just because you paid to have your book displayed there. Not gonna happen.
I never recommend authors participate in book fairs. The expense involved just isn’t worth it. You’ll sell far more books marketing directly to readers online.
Don’t even get me started on the “superior marketing” skills of a firm that found you (a “new author”) online through Google, and then had one of their telemarketers call you. I detest junk phone calls even more than I do spam. Never do business with a firm that must resort to telemarketing or spam. That right there tells you their marketing skills are substandard. Don’t trust them with your money or your book.
- 90+ DAYS OF PROMOTING YOUR BOOK ONLINE: Your Book’s Daily Marketing Plan
- Has Your Book Been Displayed At A Large Book Fair? How Many Copies Did You Sell?
- Book Fairs – Worth The Effort?
- Should I Pay Money to Display My Book at Book Fairs?
- Company Selling Book Fair Appearances Spammed Me. Should I Send Them Money?
- “My book hit the market and I’m now being bombarded with sales calls and spam…from another publisher!!”
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