Our floating home, No Tan Lines, is ON THE HARD his week. In boating terms, that means she’s at the boat yard. While she’s at the nautical doc, she’s having her DRIVE SHAFT pulled out and repaired. She threw a bearing the last time I drove her. I swear it’s not my fault!
We’re having an extra thru hull put in as well. I know it seems weird that we want to add a hole to our boat, what with all the SEACOCKS and everything (and under the waterline no less), but we really want the kitchen sink contents going overboard instead of into the sump pump.
We motored her to the boat yard yesterday. Standing in the COCKPIT at the helm, it was my first time backing her up and I’m proud to say that I didn’t hit any of our neighbor’s boats. I didn’t even skim a piling! I’m getting good SEAMAN experience. Thank goodness we have a BOW THRUSTER. That made things pretty easy.
Back in the day, sailing was strictly for men. In fictional lore, the only women at sea were mermaids, damsels taken captive by pirates or captains (yes, I’m a hard core romance novel addict), and brave women paying passage on vessels…all the while being ogled by the all-male crew. It seems pretty obvious that men concocted the terms above!
To see more naughty nautical terms (and to add more of your own!), read the recent post on my GotNoTanLines.com blog. That’s where I chronicle our liveaboard adventures. If you’d like to be notified each time an update is posted, please click HERE.
- A Funnel Cloud Overhead!
- 36-Knot Gusts Abruptly Terminate Our High Seas Adventure!
- Early Issue…Because We’re Heading Out to Sea!
- Love Bug Cemetery…on the Boat?
- GotNoTanLines – Jump on board with the Hoy Family as they move their children, pets, and business onto a 52-foot sailboat!
- More News From the Home Office!
Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/
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