Angela’s Desk

I Believe Children Shouldn’t Be Exposed to Sexual Content and Now I’m a HOMOPHOBIC RACIST? HA HA HA!

I Believe Children Shouldn’t Be Exposed to Sexual Content and Now I’m a HOMOPHOBIC RACIST? HA HA HA!

I have several screenshots of drawings from the book that are so offensive that I can't post them here. If you want to see them, let me know and I'll send them to you via email. What you didn't get to see in the comments under my article were the supportive emails I received from people who were too afraid to post comments (because they were afraid of the cancel culture mob). I also received several emails that were very disturbing...…

Keeping Certain Books Out of the Hands of Children is NOT Censorship! – by Angela Hoy

Keeping Certain Books Out of the Hands of Children is NOT Censorship! – by Angela Hoy

When I was nine years old, I managed to get my hands on "Forever" by Judy Bloom. I devoured it. And, I came away a much more "knowing" 9-year-old girl. I won't go into details but, at my maturity level back then, I had no business reading graphic teenage sex scenes and part of me changed during and after reading that book...…

The Biggest Marketing Mistake New Authors Make!

The Biggest Marketing Mistake New Authors Make!

What if you had a book that provided step-by-step instructions on not only what to do, but when to do it, from Day 1 through Day 90 and beyond? And, what if that book also included a schedule of day-by-day promotional tasks for ongoing sales? …

2021 BEST OF WRITERSWEEKLY! Our most-read articles of the year!!

2021 BEST OF WRITERSWEEKLY! Our most-read articles of the year!!

This week, I’m sharing our 30 “most clicked on” articles for 2021. Some of these were published before 2021 but they remain popular, and two aren't related to writing at all, but show that posting personal items can attract more people to your publication. Enjoy!…

Why Your Publisher Doesn’t Care if YOU Get Sued

Why Your Publisher Doesn’t Care if YOU Get Sued

It's pretty pathetic when a company is happy to take hundreds or thousands of dollars from you, knowing all the while that YOU might get sued some day for something you included in your book...…

Need Your Book Published By Christmas? You Only Have ONE Option Now…

Need Your Book Published By Christmas? You Only Have ONE Option Now…

There are only 51 days until Christmas. That's 36 business days. Most full-service print on demand/publishing services firms take around 4-6 months to get a book to market. Some offer rush services but NONE of them offers a 2-week publishing program...except BookLocker...…

MORE Complaints about Balboa Press!

MORE Complaints about Balboa Press!

It's been four years since we've checked up on Balboa Press. We decided to revisit them after we yet received another complaint about Balboa Press from an author just this week. Things are definitely NOT looking any better!…

“Online/Virtual Book Fair?” Don’t Bother….

“Online/Virtual Book Fair?” Don’t Bother….

I was spammed this week by an organization that hosts book fairs. Of course, it's all online again this year. No in-person meetings. No people walking around viewing books laid out on tables. Nobody shaking hands with literary agents. You know. It's really...nothing of value to authors AT ALL.…

World’s Worst Query Letters and Book Proposals For September, 2021!

World’s Worst Query Letters and Book Proposals For September, 2021!

Oh, yes! We know you’re excited!! Today, we’re going to share another installment of our popular column, World’s Worst Query Letters and Book Proposals. We've been savings these for a few weeks now so there are a LOT to entertain you! …

LAST CHANCE! START-TIME IS TOMORROW!! What Will the Fall, 2021 24-Hour Short Story Contest Topic Be?!?!

LAST CHANCE! START-TIME IS TOMORROW!! What Will the Fall, 2021 24-Hour Short Story Contest Topic Be?!?!

Are the leaves changing yet in your neighborhood? They are here!  And, what better way to entertain yourself than by entertaining US with a fantastic story on this cozy weekend?! Will it be there be pumpkins, hay bales, and beautiful falling leaves? How about some crisp apples at an orchard? A cold wind, or an early snow perhaps? Maybe something dark and creepy awaiting unwary trick or treaters! Or...maybe not! …

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