Angela’s Desk

AUTHORS: Take Some Advice from a Do-It-Yourselfer… Know What You CAN’T Do Yourself – by Brian Whiddon, Managing Editor

AUTHORS: Take Some Advice from a Do-It-Yourselfer… Know What You CAN’T Do Yourself – by Brian Whiddon, Managing Editor

I've learned to do a lot of things for myself. It's not just about saving money, although that's a big bonus. It's more about the satisfaction I get from being as self-sufficient as I can be. But, that pride must be tempered with a humility that allows me to accept my limitations. There are some things that I simply don't have enough knowledge or skill to accomplish...…

COMPLAINTS about Xlibris

COMPLAINTS about Xlibris

Thinking about using Xlibris to publish your book? You might want to think again after reading these angry complaints!…



From accusations of (alleged) unpaid royalties to anger about unanswered correspondence, there's no shortage of complaints post online about Balboa Press.…

COMPLAINTS and Comments about Archway Publishing

COMPLAINTS and Comments about Archway Publishing

Archway Publishing is a division of Author Solutions. Often, authors contact many publishing services firms, not realizing that some of those are owned by the same company...…

And, Even MORE Complaints about Amazon KDP!

And, Even MORE Complaints about Amazon KDP!

Considering using Amazon KDP to publish your book? You may want to read these numerous complaints first. From cancelled author accounts, to royalty issues, to printing/binding problems, to bad (or non-existent) customer service...and much, MUCH more!…

What’s a Book Marketing Cheat Sheet?

What’s a Book Marketing Cheat Sheet?

Online book promotion is not only simple but, if you have a step-by-step, day-to-day marketing plan (the book 90 DAYS OF PROMOTING YOUR BOOK ONLINE), it can also be a very artistic endeavor, which makes it fun for creative folks like you and me! Yes, online book promoting can be EASY and FUN! Let us show you how, from Day 1 through Day 90...and beyond! …

ON MY SOAPBOX AGAIN! – Trigger Warnings ON BOOKS?!?!

ON MY SOAPBOX AGAIN! – Trigger Warnings ON BOOKS?!?!

Take it a step further. What if people start cancelling authors and publishers after they were triggered by something in a book? Think that's impossible? Take it further still. What if authors and publishers start getting sued for not publishing trigger warnings, or the right trigger warnings? Think that won't happen? Look around you!…

I Believe Children Shouldn’t Be Exposed to Sexual Content and Now I’m a HOMOPHOBIC RACIST? HA HA HA!

I Believe Children Shouldn’t Be Exposed to Sexual Content and Now I’m a HOMOPHOBIC RACIST? HA HA HA!

I have several screenshots of drawings from the book that are so offensive that I can't post them here. If you want to see them, let me know and I'll send them to you via email. What you didn't get to see in the comments under my article were the supportive emails I received from people who were too afraid to post comments (because they were afraid of the cancel culture mob). I also received several emails that were very disturbing...…

Keeping Certain Books Out of the Hands of Children is NOT Censorship! – by Angela Hoy

Keeping Certain Books Out of the Hands of Children is NOT Censorship! – by Angela Hoy

When I was nine years old, I managed to get my hands on "Forever" by Judy Bloom. I devoured it. And, I came away a much more "knowing" 9-year-old girl. I won't go into details but, at my maturity level back then, I had no business reading graphic teenage sex scenes and part of me changed during and after reading that book...…