“My family members claimed they bought my ebook but it’s not even for sale yet. How can this be happening?”

“My family members claimed they bought my ebook but it’s not even for sale yet. How can this be happening?”

Q –


I am getting reports from people that they have purchased my book in Ebook format from Amazon already. However the link still shows paperback only. Can you help to clarify this?

A –

I checked and your ebook is definitely not for sale on Amazon yet.

If someone told you they purchased your ebook, ask them for a copy of their Amazon receipt. I’m betting it doesn’t exist. Expect a lot of hemming and hawing, and them telling you they didn’t get a receipt, or they can’t find it, etc.

Sometimes our friends and family tell us they bought our book when they didn’t so they won’t hurt our feelings.

Please see:
EMBARRASSING! When Friends and Family Lie About Buying Your Book


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Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!

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