“An online book publicist won’t stop calling me! How can I REALLY make them stop?”

“An online book publicist won’t stop calling me! How can I REALLY make them stop?”

Q –

I get calls from an online publicist wanting me to hire them — and they now call every day, at least 3 times a day, but so far today 5 times.

How can I make them stop?

– G.

A –

First, please know that, if a so-called “publicist” is soliciting business via telemarketing methods, THEY SUCK at what they do.

I recommend first registering your number with the National Do Not Call List.

The next time they call, bluntly tell them (don’t ask them, TELL THEM!), “Put me on your do not call list. I am already on the national Do Not Call list.

If they then call you again, tell them you are reporting them to the Do Not Call registry. And, DO IT. The form is online RIGHT HERE.

And, if that doesn’t work, there are law firms like this one that specialize in suing telemarketers. They only get paid if/when you get paid.

I, myself, DETEST telemarketers and spammers so go get ’em!!!

You can find a reputable publicist RIGHT HERE. And, if you want to do it yourself, please see:

90+ Days of Promoting Your Book Online: Your Book’s Daily Marketing Plan – THIRD EDITION

55 Dos and Don’ts of Book Selling Has Been Published!Get Your FREE Copy TODAY!!


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I admire any writer who wants to tackle a blind character. But so many writers take up this challenge and FAIL. They research blindness by reading other fiction books, by observing their blind colleagues and acquaintances, and by tying on a blindfold and pretending to be blind themselves.

I understand the challenges your characters face, their triumphs, their hopes and their fears, because I've lived them. I work with people who have varying degrees of blindness every day, so I've seen every challenge, every situation you could imagine.

Let me share my knowledge to improve your writing. You can create blind characters that readers will fall in love with.

~Stephanie Green