Q –
Hello Angela,
For the past two years, I have been working with a client who is slow to pay, and who demands more work before paying for previous work. At one point, he owed me for more than 100 articles. He finally paid, and then asked me to start writing for another website and he promised to be more professional.
Later, he claimed he’d already paid for that work but he had not. He always acts happy and appreciates my work until it’s time to pay me. I don’t think I can deal with the anxiety anymore.
What do you think would be the best approach from here?
A –
To be completely honest, I would have “fired” that client LONG ago.
My advice is to get the most recent payment and then bolt, or demand he pay you up front, in full, for all future work. That guy isn’t worth the trouble. It’s only a matter of time before he leaves you high and dry on your most recent batch of articles.
Oh, and you should also raise your rates.
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