Paying Markets

Moment Magazine

Moment Magazine

“Moment Magazine, North America’s premier Jewish magazine, was founded in 1975 by Nobel Prize laureate Elie Wiesel and acclaimed writer Leonard Fein. Fiercely independent, Moment is not tied to any organization, denomination or point of view and offers a balanced accounting of the Jewish experience in America, focusing on political, lifestyle, cultural and arts coverage.” Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Sample copy available by email. Guidelines online. Pays $200-$1000.…

Lion Magazine

Lion Magazine

"We carry stories and photos of Lions’ service projects and Lions’ activities." 30% freelance. Welcomes new authors. Pays 30 days after publication. Publishes ms after four months. Buys all rights. Accepts reprints. Responds after 2 weeks to queries. Email editor for sample of magazine. Subscriptions for members of Lions clubs and receive the magazine as part of their dues. Guidelines by email. Pays $0.50-$1.00/word. Features run from 1,500-3,000 words.…

Mining People Magazine

Mining People Magazine

“CPM is an easy-reading, homespun magazine featuring coal people and coal towns, with special sections on news and product development.” 40% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms one month after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one week. Sample copy available by email. Guidelines available by email. Pays flat fee of $250 for up to 2500 words.…

The Live Novel Digest

“Fifteen-minute open-world text RPGs. An interactive fiction lit mag.” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within 1-2 months of acceptance. Accepts reprints. Responds within two months. Sample copies available for download online. Guidelines online. Pays $100…

Flash Frog

Flash Frog

100% freelance. “Flash Frog is an online flash fiction magazine established in January 2021, featuring stories under 1,000 words. We like our stories like we like our dart frogs: small, brightly colored, and deadly to the touch. Each story is also accompanied by original artwork created just for that piece.” Welcomes new writers. Weekly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms around 3 months after acceptance. Buys one-time rights. No reprints. Responds in 2-3 days. Sample stories available online. Guidelines online. Pays $25/story…

Freefall Magazine

Freefall Magazine

THIS PUBLICATION USES "SUBMITTABLE" TO COLLECT SUBMISSIONS. SUBMITTABLE CHARGES WRITERS A FEE TO SUBMIT THEIR WORK. "FreeFall encourages the voices of new, emerging, and established Canadian writers while providing a platform to be proud of for their quality work." 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Buys first rights for 3 months. No reprints. Responds within 3-6 months. Pays $10 per page for fiction/non-fiction and $25 for poems." 4000 word maximum.…

The Hollins Critic

The Hollins Critic

“Literary journal with a lead essay on the work of a contemporary writer; poetry; and book reviews.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within one year. Buys first serial rights. Responds 2-3 months. Guidelines online. Pays $25/poem…

The Fiddlehead

The Fiddlehead

THIS PUBLICATION USES "SUBMITTABLE" TO COLLECT SUBMISSIONS AND REQUIRES A SUBMITTABLE ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO SUBMIT WORK. SUBMITTABLE CHARGES FEES FOR WRITERS TO SUBMIT THEIR WORK TO PUBLISHERS. "The Fiddlehead, Atlantic Canada's international literary journal, is entertainment for the thoughtful with its mix of poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction by established and new writers." Welcomes new writers. 100% freelance. Circ. 1200. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes within 2-3 issues of acceptance. Buys first serial publication rights - "all other rights remain with the author, but we ask if the work is reprinted elsewhere that the first publication in The Fiddlehead be acknowledged." Responds usually 1-6 months. Various Canadian booksellers and newsstands carry The Fiddlehead and back issues (if not sold out) along with current issue can be purchased directly from our office. Pays $60 CAD…



“Contrary® was founded in 2003 at the University of Chicago by alumni of Chicago’s Master of Arts Program in the Humanities. It was quickly embraced and has been abundantly nourished by graduates of the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA in Writing program. It now operates independently and without a thought of profit on the South Side of Chicago and publishes writers from throughout the world. It publishes poetry, fiction, lyrical commentary, creative non-fiction, and especially works that blur the edges of those categories.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on receipt of invoice. Publishes ms one month after acceptance. Buys all rights: “1) worldwide rights to publish in any or all versions of Contrary and other Contrary-affiliated media, including domestic and foreign, whether in the English language or translated into a foreign language, including any successor, similar or replacement versions thereof; 2) exclusive worldwide rights for a period of 90 days from the date of Contrary’s first publication of the work; 3. non-exclusive perpetual rights to republish, store, syndicate or distribute the work or portions of the work in any language and in any country, and 4) the right to use your name and likeness in a fair and dignified manner and to publish information about you in connection with the advertising and promotion of Contrary and of the Work. 5) When exclusive rights expire after three months, the author is free to seek republication elsewhere, but Contrary must be credited in all subsequent publications. 6) All rights granted by this agreement are granted in perpetuity and applicable in all media including, but not limited to, all electronic media, internet, wireless or mobile platforms whether now known or hereafter created.” No reprints. Responds in less than 90 days. Sample copy online. Guidelines online Pays $20 per author, per issue.…

Cycle California! Magazine

Cycle California! Magazine

“We're a regional bicycling magazine, with a focus on bike tourism, general interest news relating to bicycling, and bicycle events.” Publishes 11 issues a year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-4 months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. rights. Accepts reprints. Responds in 1-2 weeks. Guidelines available on request by email or SASE. Pays $0.05-$0.15/word…

“As world economies converge, reports from the fault lines of integration. features original writing on financial, economic, and political topics that have a global impact.” Welcomes new writers. 25% freelance. Circ. 120K. Quarterly moving to bimonthly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms in next quarterly issue. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within 1-2 days. Sample copy available in PDF form. Subscription $59.95. Guidelines available by email. Pays $0.10-$0.15/word for 700-2500 words.…

Farming Magazine

Farming Magazine

75%-90% freelance. “Farming Magazine celebrates the joys of farming well and living well on a small, ecologically-conscious scale. It explores the intricate bonds connecting people, land, and community and it offers a hopeful vision of the future of farming in America. The magazine is created in the spirit of stewardship for the earth and regard for its inhabitants.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys all rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within one week. Guidelines online. Pays $175 - $500…

Celebrate Life Magazine

Celebrate Life Magazine

America’s premier pro-life publication. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within three years of acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Responds within a month. Pays $0.15-$0.25/word for 1,000-1,800 words…

The Capilano Review

The Capilano Review

The Capilano Review publishes art, poetry, and criticism that inhabit and reflect our challenging times, resist convention and excite response. Our magazine features full-colour art sections designed to promote dialogue between writers and artists. Each issue of TCR includes art, fiction, and interviews sourced and commissioned by theeditor. Most of the poetry we publish is also solicited; however, wedo publish one or two unsolicited works in each issue. TheCapilano Review publishes venturesome experimental writing andart." Publishes 3 issues/year. Pays 30 days after acceptance. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys "First North American rights and limited, nonexclusive digital rights. Copyright reverts to the author upon publication." Occasionally accepts reprints - "Recently published work may be excerpted/featured in our magazine in special instances." Responds 3-6 months. Pays $50 per published page…



"A literary journal publishing essays about the Beat Generation." Welcomes new writers. Annual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Response time varies. Sample articles online. Guidelines online. Pays $50…



“A weekly newspaper covering the antiques, collectibles, vintage and auction market.” Weekly. Pays a month after publication. Publishes 2 months after acceptance. Buys one time rights. Sometimes accepts reprints, depending on where they were first published. Responds within a month. Guidelines available by email. Pays $75-$300/article…



"Known for publishing important new writers early in their careers” (PEN), AGNI discovers stories, poems, and essays that map our pressured interiority and respond in necessary ways to the bedeviled state of the world. Seven contributors have gone on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.” Welcomes new writers. Bi-annual. Pays on publication. Publishes 4-6 months after acceptance. Buys first worldwide rights. No reprints. Responds in 2-4 months. Guidelines online. Pays $20/page for prose, $40/pages for poetry, with a max of $300.…

African American Golfer’s Digest

African American Golfer’s Digest

“The African American Golfer's Digest is the nations leading print and digital publication serving 80,000 avid Black American golfers every quarter as a PGA of America Diverse Supplier. Since launching in 2003, our distinctive reach in providing the latest news, information, and activities to our niche market has gained us numerous awards, proclamations and recognition as a "Top Business". The African American Golfer's Digest is an independently minority/woman-owned publication.” Quarterly digital and semi-annual print. No reprints. Guidelines online. Pays $0.03/word for 500 words.…

American Bee Journal

American Bee Journal

50% freelance. “We are a magazine for beekeepers, from hobbyist to commercial.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Usually publishes ms within 2-3 months of acceptance. Buys first N.A. serial rights, exclusive worldwide electronic rights for sixty days and nonexclusive permanent web rights. Occasionally accepts reprints from other beekeeping-related magazines. Responds within a week. Sample copies available on request by email to Subscription $29/year U.S., $47/year Canada, and $54/year international. Guidelines online Pays $100/printed page, with a maximum of $500/article.…

Tricycle: The Buddhist Review

Tricycle: The Buddhist Review

"Established in 1990 as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization, The Tricycle Foundation is dedicated to making Buddhist teachings and practices broadly available. In 1991, the Foundation launched Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, the first magazine intended to present Buddhist perspectives to a Western readership. Tricycle soon became the leading independent journal of Buddhism in the West, where it continues to be the most inclusive and widely read vehicle for the dissemination of Buddhist views and values. Our readership includes longtime practitioners, those who are curious about Buddhism or meditation, and those who do not identify as Buddhist but value the teachings of wisdom and compassion that Buddhism has to offer." 70% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within a month. "However, due to the large number that we receive each month, please don’t let a longer wait surprise you." Guidelines online. Magazine columns $350; Magazine features varies, generally $0.30/word; Magazine feature interviews $500; Magazine reviews $400." 400-4,000 words.…