Sine Theta Magazine
Website: https://sinetheta.net/
Guidelines: https://sinetheta.net/submit
Email address: mailto:sinethetamag@gmail.com
About The Publication:
“An international, print-based quarterly publication by and for the Sino diaspora, established 2016.” Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within one month of acceptance. Buys first world rights. No reprints. Responds within two months. Guidelines online.
Pays $10/article
Current Needs:
“We issue quarterly THEMED calls for submissions of creative writing and artwork. All creators who identify as members of the Sino diaspora may submit.” Pays $10/article, usually around 1,500-3,000 words. Submit using the online submissions form.
Pays $10/article
“No more than 10 individual artworks can be submitted. We especially welcome photography or visual art projects with a brief (200 words) artist’s statement.”
“While Sine Theta is a publication by and for the Sino diaspora, we are not solely looking for works that are about diasporic identity. Our staff members compile a list of prompts for our themed calls that can be found online and we would most welcome submissions that engage with our themes.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes