Paying Markets

National Communications Magazine

National Communications Magazine

"We’re a tight niche publication serving radio hobbyists interested in scanners (typically referred to as “police scanners”), citizens band (CB) radio and the hobby radio services – General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), Family Radio Service (FRS) and Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS). While we recently added amateur radio, we're not accepting any freelance pieces on the topic right now.” Warmly welcomes new writers. Guidelines not available. Pays $75-$100.…

Legalcom Group

Legalcom Group

"We specialize in providing legal information online through vetted lawyers and paralegals across the globe. Pays every other week, after article submission. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds 1-3 business days. "Each writer will have a guidelines document and each topic we're looking to write about has a proposed structure/summary/useful links." Pays $80-$130.…

Khabar Magazine

Khabar Magazine

“Khabar Magazine is a monthly print magazine serving Indian-American readers. Started in 1992, Khabar is one of the largest publications in the U.S. to serve Indian-Americans. At a readership of over 120,000, our robust, 140-plus pages, full-color monthly print magazine is a dynamic force in the market we serve: the Indian community of metro Atlanta, with distribution and readership spread throughout Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina. OUR CONTENT: Besides being cited in the ‘Best of Atlanta’ annual issue of Atlanta magazine and awarded ‘Best of Gwinnett (County),’ Khabar has received several awards for its content and design from publishing and journalism organizations. Exclusive interviews of notable Indian-American and others relevant to the diaspora is a dominant theme in the magazine. Award-winning articles by some of the diaspora’s best writers: thought-provoking and entertaining cover stories, interviews, essays, opinions, analysis, perspectives, and more. Our content relates to three broad categories: the Indian-American community of metro-Atlanta, the national Indian-American diaspora, and broad themes from India as well as Indian culture and society. Note: Despite our name, which means ‘To know’ or ‘News,’ we are not a news publication, but rather a features magazine.” Pays on the 15th of the month that the article is published. Buys all rights. Please check guidelines for reprint submissions. Responds within a week for acceptance. Guidelines available upon request by email. Pays $75-$500/article…


100% freelance. “GigaNotoSaurus publishes one science fiction or fantasy (or a combination of both) story a month.” Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys first serial rights and non-exclusive, indefinite archival rights, but authors may request to be removed from the archive at any time. No reprints. Responds within 30-90 days. Subscriptions are free. Guidelines online. Pays flat fee of $100/article.…



“Geist is a magazine of ideas and culture with a strong literary focus and a sense of humour. The Geist tone is intelligent, plain-talking, inclusive and offbeat. Each issue represents a convergence of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, comics, reviews, little-known facts of interest, cartography and the legendary Geist crossword puzzle.” Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 6 months of acceptance. Buys First N.A. Rights. No reprints. Responds within 6 months. Guidelines online. Pays CAD $0.40/word, and a flat rate for poetry, photograph and art.…

Good Old Boat

Good Old Boat

“A niche magazine covering subjects of interest to the Average Joe or Jane sailor who owns and maintains their own sailboat. These stories can relate to 19-foot trailer boats to 40-foot ocean-going boats. Writers are sailors themselves and write from their own experience. We expect all submitters to be familiar with our magazine and content.” Welcomes new writers. “If you're a new writer with a good story and good photos, we'll work with you to whip your words into shape.” Pays 60 days before publication. Publishes between 3 months to a year after acceptance. Accepts reprints. Responds within a month. Pays $50 to $750 per story.…

GoNOMAD Travel

GoNOMAD Travel

GoNOMAD has published unique and inspiring travel articles since 2000, we are a leader in creative travel writing and, as such, we publish a new travel story every weekday. We are proud to have helped hundreds of travel writers get their start in travel writing, we publish stories from writers the world over. We are always looking for new stories about unusual and off beat travel and we pay for each published story.” Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 3-4 weeks after acceptance. Buys First N.A. Rights. No reprints. Guidelines online. Pays $25/story with 1400-2000 words along with photos.…

PRISM International

PRISM International

“PRISM International is a quarterly magazine out of Vancouver, British Columbia, whose mandate is to publish the best in contemporary writing and translation from Canada and around the world. Writing from PRISM has been featured in Best American Stories, Best American Essays and The Journey Prize Stories, amongst other noted publications.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 1K. Quarterly. Pays right before or right after publication. Publishes ms 1-6 months after acceptance. Buys First North American rights. No reprints. Responds within 1-6 months. Pays $40 per page for poetry, $30 per page for prose.…

Crystal Lake Publishing: Never Wake

Crystal Lake Publishing: Never Wake

“Where do we go when we dream? Since the beginning of time, people have argued the meaning of dreams. Are they symbolic visions that hold great meaning and personal significance? Are they portals into other worlds? Or are they just a series of random events our mind shows us when we fall asleep? Whatever the case, this much is true - the mind can be a scary place to venture, even for a few hours. NEVER WAKE is an anthology of dream horror, bringing you several mind-bending tales of nightmares, hallucinations, and phantasmagoria from some of the hottest talent in horror fiction. But don’t worry - when you (wake up screaming) flip the last page, just remember to tell yourself, ‘It was only just a story…’ Unless it wasn’t.” Welcomes new writers. Publishes ms within 15 months of acceptance. Buys First World Rights in English, and negotiates for rights to audio, translation, film and the hardcover. Accepts reprints if ms belongs to a series. Responds in 1-3 months. Guidelines online. Pays $0.08/word…

District Media, Inc.

District Media, Inc.

“Originally founded in the District of Columbia in 2007, District Media, Inc. is an independent media company. Our objective is to deliver high-quality personal finance news and advice that informs, empowers, educates and entertains the public. We provide this information free of charge through our portfolio of personal finance websites, with all operating expenses paid through advertising. Pays within 30 days. Publishes ms between 15 minutes and 2 weeks from acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within 3 days." Guidelines available on request. Pays: $15-$200/article…

Earth Island Journal

Earth Island Journal

“A quarterly magazine about environmental threats and the people who are working to address them.” Welcomes new writers. 75% freelance. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Responds in 2-4 weeks. Buys first rights. Rarely accepts reprints. Pays $0.25/word for print, $100 flat fee for online.…



“Feed-Lot serves feedlots and cow/calf operations over 500 head, also backgrounders, preconditioners, and seedstockers/growers over 300 head.” 85% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Publishes 8 issues/year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within four months of acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one week. Guidelines available by email. Pays: $0.30/word for 350-700 words.…

The Cattleman

The Cattleman

25% freelance. “The business journal of the beef cattle business of the Southwest.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 20K. Monthly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 15-30 days after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints outside of the Southwest. Responds in 2-4 weeks. Pays $500 for 1,200-1,800 words. Submit query by email.…

The Baltimore Review

The Baltimore Review

“The Baltimore Review publishes poems, short stories, and creative nonfiction in quarterly online issues and in an annual print compilation.” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within six months. Buys first rights. No reprints. Responds within four months. Sample articles available online. Pays $50 for regular (non-contest) submissions…

Trapper and Predator Caller

Trapper and Predator Caller

“Founded in 1975, Trapper & Predator Caller is the leading source of practical, comprehensive information for North American fur harvesters. Each issue is packed with feature articles by North America's most knowledgeable trappers and predator callers. T&PC provides the most thorough wild fur market report in North America and informs readers about vital industry trends. Published 10 times each year — January, February, March, April-May, June-July, August, September, October, November and December — T&PC provides current, practical information for fur trappers, animal-control workers and predator callers. Each issue also contains up-to-date reports from state trapping association partners across the country.” 75% Freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays 45 days after publication. Publishes ms one year after acceptance. Buys all rights. Responds 2-5 weeks. Pays $250 for feature story and photos up to 2500 words.…

Business Jet Traveler

Business Jet Traveler

Welcomes new writers. 75% freelance. Every other month (plus annual U.S. and China Buyers’ Guides). Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 2-6 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. Usually responds in 1-2 days. Guidelines by email. Pays: $0.50/word.…

Old Moon Quarterly

Old Moon Quarterly

“Old Moon Quarterly is a magazine of dark fantasy and weird sword-and-sorcery set in a historical-paranormal or secondary world setting, with a focus on well-rounded characters driving strange action.” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on acceptance. Usually publishes ms within two months of acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds in 4-10 weeks. Guidelines online. Pays $0.08/word for short fiction, and $50 for poetry…

St. Anthony Messenger

St. Anthony Messenger

"St. Anthony Messenger is a Catholic family magazine that aims to help its readers lead more fully human and Christian lives. Our mission is to spread the Gospel in the spirit of St. Francis. We publish articles that report on a changing church and world, opinion pieces written from the perspective of Christian faith and values, personality profiles, and fiction which entertains and informs." Monthly. Pays "upon signed contract." Publishes ms within a year of acceptance. Buys first worldwide serial rights. No reprints. Responds in one month. Guidelines online. Pays $0.20/word for articles up to 2,000 words. Pays $2/line for poetry.…

This Magazine

This Magazine

“This Magazine is Canada's source for progressive politics, ideas, and culture. It provides award-winning investigative journalism, provocative commentary, and great writing from emerging journalists, artists, and writers. Most of our work in contributed by freelancers." Welcomes new writers. Bi-monthly. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds in 1-2 months. Guidelines online. Pays $0.10/word. "There are exceptions where we will pay more."…

The Puritan

The Puritan

“The Puritan began in 2007 as an independently funded print journal dedicated to publishing fiction, essays, and interviews in Ottawa, Ontario, and was sold in bookstores across the city. In its early years, The Puritan was Ottawa’s only quarterly prose journal. After a brief hiatus, the magazine returned to publishing, now in the form of an online magazine run from Toronto. Since expanding its mandate to include poetry and reviews, The Puritan now seeks to publish the best in all forms of writing.” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1-3 months after acceptance. Buys First rights. No reprints. Responds in 1-4 months. Pays $150 for fiction, $25 per poem, $200 for essays, $100 for interviews and $100 for reviews.…