47 Ashburn Drive, Carlisle
Carlisle PA 17013
Website: https://press.armywarcollege.edu/parameters
Guidelines: https://press.armywarcollege.edu/parameters/vol53/iss4/5
Email address: usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@mail.mil
About The Publication:
“The US Army War College Press publishes scholarly manuscripts, articles, commentaries, and book reviews regarding US defense policy or the theory and practice of land warfare.” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1-18 months after acceptance. No reprints. Responds in 1-3 business days.
Pays $200-$1,000/published article.
Current Needs:
See guidelines. “Submissions must include the full name, mailing address, phone number, email address, areas of expertise, and a full biography for all contributors as well as actionable strategic, policy, or instructional recommendations.” Pays $200-$1,000/published article. Articles range in length of 20k words for monographs, 6,000 words for articles, 3,000 words for commentaries and $900 words for book reviews. Submit proposals of a 200 word abstract for monographs and 70 words for articles, or full ms by email.
Pays $200-$1,000/published article.
“Charts, graphs, and photographs may be provided to clarify or amplify the text. Tables must be presented in the body of the Word document. Microsoft-generated charts and graphs must be presented in Excel. Photos must be provided as .jpg images of no more than 9 MB (at 300 dpi). If any table, chart, graph, or photograph has been previously published, written permission from the copyright holder to republish the content must be included with the submission.”
“Writers should clearly state the strategic implications of and recommendations for their topic for an audience of senior military leaders and government policymakers. Submissions should be prepared in accordance with Chicago Manual of Style standards, including clearly indicating all quoted material with quotation marks or indentation and reducing the number of footnotes to the minimum consistent with honest acknowledgment of indebtedness.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes