RANGE magazine
P.O. Box 639
Carson City NV 89702
Phone: 775-884-2200
Fax: 775-884-2213
Website: http://rangemagazine.com
Guidelines: http://rangemagazine.com/guidelines/index.htm
Editor: C.J. Hadley
Email address: edit@rangemagazine.com
About The Publication:
“An advocate for western cowboys and sheepherders.” 80% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. rights. Occasionally accepts reprints and short excerpts from nonfiction books that suit RANGE. Responds within 2-6 weeks. Guidelines online.
Pays $50-$600.
Current Needs:
“Great ranch stories and profiles of great cowboys and sheepherders. Also need 620-word pieces for “Confessions of Red Meat Survivors.” (Read writers’ guidelines and several issues.)” Pays $50-$400. 1,200-2,000 words for features, more for special reports. “Email query letter then mail with manuscript attached in Word, no spaces between paragraphs, no fancy type or design elements.”
Pays $50-$600. 1,200-2,000 words for features
“High res JPEGs or TIFFs dropped onto our FTP site.” Pays $20-$100. RANGE also encourages photos for its annual cowboy calendar and its hardback books.
“No first person.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes