Strange Horizons
Website: http://www.strangehorizons.com/
Guidelines: http://strangehorizons.com/submit/
Editor: Vanessa Rose Phin, Editor-in-Chief
Email address: management@strangehorizons.com
About The Publication:
100% freelance. “A speculative fiction webzine with a global perspective.” Welcomes new writers. Weekly. Pays on Fridays following management receipt of contract. Publishes ms around 6 months after acceptance. Buys first rights for six months. Only accepts reprints for nonfiction articles. Responds in 50-80 days. Guidelines online.
Pays .10/word – $90 (See Current Needs)
Current Needs:
“Speculative fiction & poetry, as well as articles, interviews & roundtables in the speculative fiction field.” Pays $0.10/word for fiction, $50/poem, $90/essay, $40/essay reprint, $40/interviewer and interviewee each, $20/roundtable participant, and $40/review. Fiction should not exceed 10,000 words, preferably around 5,000 words. Submit ms online.
Pays $0.10/word for fiction, $50/poem, $90/essay, $40/essay reprint, $40/interviewer and interviewee each, $20/roundtable participant, and $40/review.
Please refer to http://strangehorizons.com/submit/fiction-submission-guidelines/stories-weve-seen-too-often.
Welcomes New Writers: Yes