Ninth Letter

Ninth Letter

Ninth Letter
University of Illinois, Dept. of English, 608 S Wright St
Urbana IL 61801


Editor: Liz Harms, Editor; Amy Hassinger, Fiction Editor; Christopher Kempf, Creative Nonfiction Editor; Janice N. Harrington, Poetry Editor; Michael Hurley and Zachariah McVicker, Web Editors; Philip Graham and Jodee Stanley, Editors-at-Large.
Email address:

About The Publication:

“Ninth Letter is the award-winning literary arts journal edited and produced by the Creative Writing Program at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The journal’s mission is to present original literary writing of exceptional quality, illuminated by cutting-edge graphic design.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 6 months of acceptance. Buys First N.A. Serial Rights. No reprints. Responds in 1-4 months. Guidelines online.

Pays $25/poem, $100/prose in the print journal, and $25/poem, $75/prose in the web edition.

Current Needs:

“Ninth Letter is currently looking for more poetry and creative nonfiction submissions.” Pays $25/poem, $100/prose in the print journal, and $25/poem, $75/prose in the web edition. “For poetry, please submit 3-5 poems (max. 8 pages) at a time. For fiction and creative nonfiction, submit one story or essay up to 8,000 words at a time. For flash, you may submit up to 3 pieces with a total word count totaling no more than 4,000 words. Web Edition: You may submit up to three poems, or one piece of short prose (fiction or nonfiction) of up to 3500 words. Please also include a cover letter that briefly explains how you see your work connecting to the theme. We accept electronic submissions via Submittable. We do not accept submissions by email attachment–email submissions will not be read. Ninth Letter also accepts mailed submission at no charge. USPS submissions should be addressed to the appropriate editor.”

Pays $25/poem, $100/prose in the print journal, and $25/poem, $75/prose in the web edition.



Welcomes New Writers: Yes