My Gift Stop
30 Lindeman Dr. Ste 100
Trumbull CT 06611
Phone: 866-371-2330
Website: https://www.mygiftstop.com
Editor: Barbara, Brand Influence
Email address: barbara@mygiftstop.com
About The Publication:
“My Gift Stop is an online shop offering luxury goods that’s dedicated to giving back to society, donating 5% of every sale to the global medical relief nonprofit, Direct Relief. In a time where our schedules seem to become denser by the day, it is most common for things to slip our mind here and there – forgetting a gift is no different! This is where we come in! We made it our mission to offer you “present peace of mind!” last minute shopping on some of the world’s most popular brands at heavily discounted prices. That’s right, our online shop is the perfect shopping solution. Hence, we are looking for reputable contributors, like yourself, that can write great reviews, blog articles, gift guides, share contests, social media posts and more on your own websites, blogs and social media pages.” Pays 7-10 days after publication. Usually publishes ms within 24 hours of acceptance. Guidelines by email.
Pays $75.
Current Needs:
Writers who can “create a blog post that educates, entertains and inspires both your community and ours talking about My Gift Stop as the place to shop for gifts.” Pays $75 for a 350-word blog post and social shares. Submit past work, link to your website, website domain authority (your search engine ranking score), and google analytics. You will need to share images from our website as well as an image that will be emailed to you.”
Pays $75 for a 350-word blog post and social shares
Welcomes New Writers: Yes