Wyoming Wildlife
5400 Bishop Blvd
Cheyenne WY 82006
Phone: (307)777-3543
Website: https://wgfd.wyo.gov/About-Us/Wyoming-Wildlife
Guidelines: https://wgfd.wyo.gov/About-Us/Wyoming-Wildlife/Submission-Guidelines
Editor: Amy Bulger, Editor. Tracie Binkerd, Assistant Editor
Email address: wyomingwildlife@wyo.gov
About The Publication:
“Wyoming Wildlife is the publication of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.” Pays on acceptance after edits. Publishes ms 3 months to a year after acceptance. Buys first rights with 60 day waiting period after publication. Accepts reprints based on subject, where it was published and whether it is Wyoming specific in nature. Responds within 6-8 weeks.
Pays base rate of $0.40/word. Flat rates are also available.
Current Needs:
“Articles from 500-2500 words on wildlife-related subject matter including: hunting/angling, fisheries, historical management/hunting, wildlife research/study and wildlife management and news topics. Stories must be specific to Wyoming and include work that relates to Game and Fish.” Pays base rate of $0.40/word. Flat rates are also available. News items and short features run 500 words; features run up to 2500 words. “Email pitches along with writing samples to above email. Can include links to freelancer’s website, if applicable.”
Pays base rate of $0.40/word. Flat rates are also available.
“Accept photos with stories. Pay per photo, based on size printed.”
“We do NOT accept travel/tourism pieces, destination stories (unless they involve hunting/angling with a science or wildlife management angle behind it), or stories about national parks within Wyoming.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes