Progressive Populist
P.O. Box 819
Manchaca TX 78652
Phone: (512)828-7245
Fax: (512)857-1154
Website: https://www.populist.com/
Editor: Jim Cullen, Editor.
Email address: populist-at-usa.net
About The Publication:
“Twice-monthly magazine in tabloid newspaper format that reports on issues of interest to workers, small businesses and family farmers and ranchers.” 10% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Twice monthly. Pays at the end of the quarter in which the article was published. Publishes ms 2 weeks after acceptance. Buys one-time rights. Accepts reprints. Responds “right away.” For a sample call 1-800-205-7067 or email populist@usa.net. Guidelines by email or by mail with SASE.
Pays $15-$50.
Current Needs:
“We are not much interested in ‘sound-off’ articles about state or national politics, although we accept letters to the editor. We prefer to see more ‘journalistic’ pieces, in which the writer does enough footwork to advance a story beyond the easy realm of opinion. The ideal length for these is 700 to 800 words for columns and 1,200 words for news features. We also use book reviews. We review books of interest to our audience, generally having to do with politics or economics.” Pays $15-$50. “The best length is 500 to 700 words.” Submit query by email or by mail with SASE.
Pays $15-$50.
Optional. No additional pay.
Welcomes New Writers: Yes