Update on Our Neighbor, Nosy Nancy

Update on Our Neighbor, Nosy Nancy

First, I want to thank all of you for the prayers and warm messages regarding the loss of my dad on Black Friday. I could not respond to all of the messages (my emailbox was flooded!) but I read every single one and they all warmed my heart. Bless you all!! I am feeling soooo MUCH better. 🙂

Now, I must give you an update on the Nosy Nancy situation. Three days after posting about the evil witch next door, I found myself standing in her kitchen! Yes, I did!!

Here’s what happened:

I heard the doorbell ring that afternoon and I looked through the blinds. It was Nosy Nancy! I said to myself, “Geez, I wonder what we stole now?!

I opened the door, mustered up my biggest fake smile, and said, “Hello, Nancy! How are you?”

She stood there, hunched over with that perpetual scowl on her face, and said, “I just want to apologize about the hose. I was having a rough time. I don’t know why I got so upset about that. I was wrong and I’m really, really sorry. You’re such a nice lady and I don’t want you to be angry with me.”

I was dumbstruck. And, my first panicked thought was, ‘Oh my gosh! She read my article!!!

She continued to apologize in detail and it truly sounded honest and heartfelt. I told her it was fine and all water under the bridge. Then, she said, “I can’t open my door. My key won’t turn. Can you help me?”

One of my eyebrows shot up. Hmmm… Was she not really sorry, and just needed my help since her arthritic hands couldn’t turn the key? Being the kind neighbor that I always am, I took her elbow and helped her hobble over to her door. I turned the key. Click. The door swung open. Her cute, yappy dog, Bailey, pounced out, and begged me for a belly rub.

Nancy had just returned from the grocery store. I couldn’t stand there and watch a woman with a walker go back and forth to her car (I can’t believe she can still drive!). So, I offered to carry in her groceries as well. The inside of her townhouse was immaculate, and decked out to the nines for Christmas. I complimented her on her decorating. She said she has a gal come in to help her. That’s the same gal who initially approached us about Hose Gate.

Nancy wanted to chat some more but I told her I really needed to get back to work. By her front door, she has two beautiful, large Ficus trees. I told her how pretty they are. She said, “Well, I water them every day with the hose…..”

We both got silent for a moment.

I replied, “Well, they sure are pretty! Maybe we’ll steal one of those next!!”

We both laughed. My laugh was genuine. Not sure about hers.

When our Managing Editor, Brian, returned from running an errand, I told him that Nancy had come by to apologize. His eyebrows shot up and he said, “Oh my gosh! She read your article!!”


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin

Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


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6 Responses to "Update on Our Neighbor, Nosy Nancy"

  1. Pingback: 21 Things I Am DEMANDING in 2021!!! | WritersWeekly.com

  2. Rita  December 21, 2020 at 11:59 am

    Man, I feel sorry for your neighbor. All alone, hiring help to decorate her house, hard to walk, hard to shop… just counting blessings over here with the ability to do daily activities without thinking of how to use my energy, what to do first before I run out of steam. It was kind of you to help her – I think she needs as much positive energy as possible.

    Meanwhile, heartfelt condolences on your dad. I lost mine over 30 years ago, and think about him daily. He’s always with you, after all.

    Regards, and Merry Christmas!

  3. John R  December 20, 2020 at 8:55 am

    The very best way to get rid of an enemy, is to make that person your friend.

  4. Pamela Allegretto  December 19, 2020 at 1:13 pm

    I like to believe that Nancy is genuinely sorry. She stated that she had been going through a rough time, this affirms my belief that we always have to consider that rude, angry people have something going on in their lives that make them act and react counter to their usual nature. Who knows, you two may end up bosom buddies.

  5. Jerome Long  December 18, 2020 at 8:23 pm

    Regarding Nancy, assume that she’s genuinely sorry and wants to make things right until you find out otherwise.

  6. Linda G  December 18, 2020 at 5:18 pm

    Angie! And you forgave her and treated her well! Now that is serving God and man well in her case woman. Ya done good!!!! We need more people like our Angela.

    You are probably the only person she trusted to help her.

    And my condolences on your dad, I was not aware. He is part of the great host of witnesses now so hopefully he will ask for divine help for you so you don’t get into any more catastrophes and disasters.

    Take care of yourself if possible and have a blessed Christmas and wonderful 2021