Hilarious Zoom Family “Meeting” and Our Biggest Month EVER!

Hilarious Zoom Family “Meeting” and Our Biggest Month EVER!

Yes, I’m smiling in the picture above! 🙂

Things have been CRAZY busy here onboard “No Tan Lines” this month. I don’t know if it’s people sitting at home, and finally deciding to bring out their old manuscripts for publication, or if a lot of people are just ready to publish now, but we just had our biggest month in the history of the company.

What that means is I’ve had little time to cook (so I have to do it really fast), no time to clean (Mason has been excellent at helping with that), and zero time for a social life…which disappeared when we started quarantining anyway.

What I’m enjoying most about being stuck in our floating home is online meetings and appointments. Since I DO get up, get dressed, and put on makeup and earrings each work day, even when not quarantined, I haven’t needed to go to any extra effort if I have a “meeting.” I simply stay on my haunches here, and click a couple of buttons. Mason and I even have our guitar lessons online now. I’ve had three-quarters of a tank of gas in my truck for over a month now.

Last week, we all Zoomed with Grampa for his birthday and that was very special for him, and for us. It was kinda funny! Our daughter’s screen was too dark. Richard’s webcam wasn’t working so he was a black box. Our son Frank was holding his dog and, somehow, the dog’s tongue flopped into Frank’s mouth and we all roared. Our granddaughter, who just learned how to stand on her own, was doing a bee bop dance. Our grandson was lying on the sofa with a HUGE grin on his face, not saying anything. I wore my face mask, saying I didn’t want to catch the virus from anyone. It was a LOT of fun!!

So, I’ve gotten used to rarely needing to drive anywhere anymore and, to be completely honest, it’s not that bad!

We’ve been eating healthy and nobody has gained any quarantine weight. In fact, I’ve lost some. I actually got burned out on my favorite chocolate, which is bizarre. NEVER thought that would happen!

Florida is lifting the statewide restrictions on Monday but we are all planning to stay self-quarantined for the time being.

Oh, I almost forgot! Our son, Max, lost his job at a local restaurant two months ago. He tried numerous times to apply for unemployment but the state’s website has mostly been broken the entire time. The day he printed the forms to mail them in, he got called back to work. Needless to say, he’s thrilled!

We all hope and pray you are all safe and well!


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin

Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!

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  • Record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook
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  • Also works for biographies and memoirs!

Read more here:

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2 Responses to "Hilarious Zoom Family “Meeting” and Our Biggest Month EVER!"

  1. Pingback: Can YOU Figure Out How Mason Did This Magic Disappearing Knife Trick? HE WON’T TELL US! | WritersWeekly.com

  2. Cheryl Tuskes  May 3, 2020 at 9:52 am

    It sounds like everyone had a good time. I’m glad to hear everyone there is safe and healthy.