Some of you may remember my recent accidental purchase of 96 cheese danish, which equals 25 lbs. of refrigerated dough, and a large bag of cheese filling. Richard spent an entire day rolling, baking, and freezing cheese danish. The family is NEVER going to let me live that one down.
When I placed that order, I also ordered a large bag of flour, and 5 lbs. of egg white powder. I received the flour (and the cheese danish dough), but not the egg white powder.
I emailed the company six times over the next couple of weeks, but received no responses. In the last email, I threatened to issue a chargeback on my card. That got their attention. They promptly refunded my money for the egg white powder, AND then sent me an email saying they were reshipping my ENTIRE – egg white powder, 25 lbs of flour….and dough and filling for 96 cheese danish. I started freaking out. What were we going to do with MORE DOUGH?!?! The freezer was already full!!!
I contacted the family. After they all peed themselves laughing, we decided that, when the refrigerated shipment arrived, I would put on my mask and gloves, and hurriedly drive down to our daughter’s house, throw the box of dough on their front porch, and drive away. Yes, we’re still practicing social distancing because we’re not stupid.
Anyway, so the next day I started tracking the shipment. It was supposed to arrive that evening but it was, at that time, in New York. I scheduled my day around being able to leave at 6:00 p.m., pick up the box, and head to her house. Mason wanted to come with me. By 7:00 p.m., no refrigerated dough had arrived.
All throughout that day, our daughter (a former professional pastry chef) had been texting me about all the things she could make with that dough and filling. Remember, there were 25 POUNDS of it. We were all disappointed when the dough didn’t arrive that evening at all.
The next morning, I tracked the package again. It had made it as far as North Carolina and there was no delivery date. Bummer. I was starting to wonder how cold that dough was going to be when it arrived. Our daughter spent another day texting me about all the mouth-watering yummy stuff she was going to bake. I was gaining weight just reading her texts. By that evening, it still hadn’t arrived. But, it was in Orlando, Florida. Our daughter was starting to worry that it might spoil by the time it arrived. All of those sugar plum dreams she’d been having were wisping away.
This morning, Fedex said it was out for delivery. Yea! Our daughter was so excited!!! Just after noon, I took the chance that the system just hadn’t been updated yet. Mason and I headed to the UPS store and there WAS a box from the bakery supply company. Except…it wasn’t very big and it certainly wasn’t 25 lbs. I opened it. There was the 5 lbs. of egg white powder. There were no boxes of flour, and certainly no dough. The bakery supply company had NOT reshipped the entire order after all.
So, I texted our daughter and son-in-law –
Me: Do you want the good news or the bad news?
Our daughter: I hate this game.
Me: The good news is there is no dough. The bad news is…there is no dough.
Our daughter sent back about 25 crying emojis.
I am still planning to drive down there next week to give her some yeast. She’s running low on that and I have some to spare. When we visit, we will sit on one side of the front yard while she and her family sit on the other side. I’ll be able to see and talk to the grandbabies but I won’t be able to hug them. And, at 2 years old, and 9 months old, they won’t understand why Gram isn’t giving her signature bear hugs. It will be a happy day, and a sad day. I wish I could explain it to them but I can’t.
In other news, Jack (age 2) woke up vomiting this morning. We were all very concerned but he never ran a fever and he’s better tonight. We think it was food poisoning and we are soooooo happy that he’s feeling better. The only thing he ate/drank that nobody else in the family did was orange juice so they threw that out.
I’m off to bag up my 5 lbs of egg white powder. I’m glad it arrived because we just ran out of eggs. 🙂
- How I Accidentally Ordered 96 Cheese Danish…
- WILL WRITE FOR FOOD! Secrets of a Professional Mystery Shopper By Cathy Stucker
- Beach BBQ
- A Writing Career Made From Dinner By Christi Gillentine
- Part-time Chef / Part-time BookLocker Employee
Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/
The Art and Craft of Writing and Editing

Writing is a constant dialogue between author and reader.
The craft of writing involves an interchange of emotions between an author and a reader. An author creates a story line, conflict, and characters, gives his characters words to speak, and then hands off these materials to a reader. This process results in a constant dialogue between the mental imagery produced by a reader and that proposed by the author.
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Love the story. And life goes on. Enjoy the grand-kids, even if it has to be at a distance. Cheers!