Can YOU Figure Out How Mason Did This Magic Disappearing Knife Trick? HE WON’T TELL US!

Can YOU Figure Out How Mason Did This Magic Disappearing Knife Trick? HE WON’T TELL US!

As many of you know, Mason is an actor now, having been in a local production, and attending rehearsals for three more…until the virus hit.

After the shutdowns, the church Easter show was cancelled and the local theater group starting doing private voice lessons and group rehearsals online. Since there was no way the production of Annie Jr. would happen in early May, they made the decision to record each child individually using Zoom, and to publish the play online. And, despite the limitations, and despite the fact that the organization had never done anything like this before, we think they did a phenomenal job! In fact, it’s being featured locally on ABC News today!

If you’d like to grab some popcorn, you can watch the adorable production RIGHT HERE.

If you’re busy, however, can you pretty please click on the link above, advance to the 45:35 mark, and let me know if you can figure out how Mason did that disappearing knife magic trick! HE WON’T TELL US!!!

Some parents were disappointed their children wouldn’t be on stage. Mason didn’t care about that at all (and neither did we). He LOVED the experience, and can’t wait to see what St. Pete MAD has planned for the kiddos next!


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5 Responses to "Can YOU Figure Out How Mason Did This Magic Disappearing Knife Trick? HE WON’T TELL US!"

  1. Johnny Townsend  June 1, 2020 at 4:53 pm

    Loved the rendition of “Hard Knock Life,” always my favorite song from the musical. I’m so glad they didn’t just give up on the production but chose to do it this way instead.

  2. Pamela Allegretto  May 29, 2020 at 2:34 pm

    Mason Hoy. Remember that name. Some day you will see it on Broadway theater marquees! Honestly, I know you’ve been telling us that he’s a natural, and we believed you, but then we all think our kids are naturals. In this case you are right on the money. Mason is the real deal. He doesn’t need a stage or a set, his acting and persona take you right where you need to be to get the feel of his character and his surrounding. Oh yeah, he nailed the accent. Bravo!
    Here is my YouTube review for the entire cast and crew. Thank you for sharing such an enjoyable performance.
    “Bravissimo!!! What an enjoyable, impressive performance by such a talented cast and crew. My compliments to you all. I can just imagine what a cast who can bring tears to my eyes by virtual (solo) performances could do with a live stage presentation. The citizens of Florida are lucky to have the opportunity of experiencing this cast in person once the country is back in business. Now there’s something to look forward to. All my best wishes to cast and crew.”

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  May 31, 2020 at 12:58 pm

      Your are soooooo sweet, Pamela! Mason LOVES what you wrote about him!!! We are so blessed to know you!!!! The kids in the production are going to LOVE your review, too!!! 🙂

      Big hugs!

  3. mike  May 29, 2020 at 11:35 am

    Picture on my PC is just a single frame and does not play video to show the actual event.
    Using XPProSP3 with last Chrome for XP. Must I get a newer windoze social media device with win10 to see it?

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  May 31, 2020 at 1:01 pm

      The picture is just a jpg. The link to the actual video is in the article. 🙂
